庞培森.基于舵面振荡激励试飞的飞机动特性识别与修正[J].装备环境工程,2022,19(9):78-82. ANG Pei-sen.Identification and Modification of Aircraft's Dynamic Characteristics by Control Surfaces' Oscillation Excitation Flight Test[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2022,19(9):78-82.
Identification and Modification of Aircraft's Dynamic Characteristics by Control Surfaces' Oscillation Excitation Flight Test
中文关键词:  振荡故障  试飞  动响应  频率特性  模型修正中图分类号:V217 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2022)09-0078-05
英文关键词:oscillatory failure  flight test  dynamic response  frequency characteristic  model modification
庞培森 上海飞机设计研究院,上海 201210 
ANG Pei-sen Shanghai Aircraft Design & Research Institute, Shanghai 201210, China 
      目的 通过试飞的方法,识别飞机的动态特性,包括模态频率、舵面效率、阻尼等,用以修正飞机的动响应分析模型。方法 舵面振荡虽然是电传操纵飞机的一种故障情况,但是可以主动地应用于试飞,作为频域激励施加于飞机上,获得飞行状态下飞机的频响特性。通过对比试飞数据和模型分析结果,识别并修正动响应模型的模态频率、舵面效率、阻尼等参数,来建立更接近实际飞机的动响应分析模型。结果 舵面振荡激励试飞数据与动响应模型振荡分析的结果在趋势上较为一致,通过对动响应模型参数的识别和修正,提高了动响应模型的准确度。结论 舵面振荡激励作为一种频域激励,是飞机地面共振试验(GVT)的补充和发展,可便捷地应用于飞机的试飞试验,从而识别和修正动响应分析模型。
      Through flight test, this paper aims to identify the dynamic characteristics of the aircraft, including the modal frequency, control surface efficiency, damp and so on, to modify the dynamic response analysis model of aircraft. Although control surface oscillation is a kind of failure for fly-by-wire aircraft, it can be actively applied to flight test as a frequency domain excitation on aircraft to obtain frequency characteristics of the aircraft under the flight state. By comparing flight test data and model analysis results, the dynamic response model parameters such as the modal frequency, control surface efficiency and damp are identified and modified to establish a dynamic response analysis model specific for an actual aircraft. The flight test data of control surfaces’ oscillation excitation are consistent with the results of dynamic response model oscillation analysis. The accuracy of the model is improved by identifying and modifying the parameters of the dynamic response model. As a kind of frequency domain excitation, the control surfaces’ oscillation excitation is an effective complement and development of aircraft Ground Vibration Test (GVT), which can be easily applied to an aircraft flight test to identify and modify the dynamic response analysis model.
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