王景,杨永锋.随机不确定性影响下某航炮发射动力学仿真[J].装备环境工程,2022,19(9):114-122. WANG Jing,YANG Yong-feng.Launch Dynamic Response of an Aircraft Gun with Uncertain Parameters[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2022,19(9):114-122.
Launch Dynamic Response of an Aircraft Gun with Uncertain Parameters
中文关键词:  航炮  随机不确定性  刚柔耦合  凸集模型  振动  射击密集度中图分类号:TJ85 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2022)09-0114-09
英文关键词:aircraft gun, uncertainty, rigid flexible coupling, convex model, vibration, firing density
王景 西北工业大学 振动工程研究所,西安 710072 
杨永锋 西北工业大学 振动工程研究所,西安 710072 
WANG Jing Institute of Vibration Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xi'an 710072, China 
YANG Yong-feng Institute of Vibration Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xi'an 710072, China 
      目的 研究随机不确定性对航炮发射动力学响应的影响,提高其射击密集度。方法 建立某航炮刚柔耦合动力学模型,利用ADAMS软件进行发射动力学仿真分析。考虑航炮射击过程中的不确定因素,采用非概率凸集模型进行量化,揭示缓冲器弹簧刚度、平衡机弹簧刚度、炮膛合力等参数不确定性对航炮射击密集度的影响规律。结果 炮口振动在不确定性因素的影响下,出现振动幅值增大,在区间范围内波动的现象。结论 航炮射击时的炮口振动严重影响了射击密集度,因此在设计时必须考虑不确定性因素,所得结果对于提高航炮系统射击密集度具有一定的指导意义。
      Analyze the influence of random uncertainty on the launch dynamics to improve the shooting intensity. In this paper, a rigid-flexible coupling dynamic model of an aircraft gun is established. The launch dynamics simulation analysis is carried out by ADAMS. And the uncertainties of aircraft gun are considered. The convex model is introduced to quantify the uncertainty of aircraft gun system. The influence of parameter uncertainties such as buffer spring stiffness, balancer spring stiffness and chamber resultant force on the firing density of aircraft guns is revealed. The results show that the muzzle vibration amplitude increases and fluctuates in the interval under the influence of uncertainty factors. The muzzle vibration of the aerial gun seriously affects the firing density, therefore, uncertainties must be taken into account in the design of aircraft gun. The obtained results have certain guiding significance for improving the firing density of aircraft gun.
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