邵文博,任晓栋,胡博.基于CFD方法的土工离心机数值建模[J].装备环境工程,2022,19(10):110-119. SHAO Wen-bo,REN Xiao-dong,HU Bo.Numerical Modeling of Geotechnical Centrifuge Based on CFD Method[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2022,19(10):110-119.
Numerical Modeling of Geotechnical Centrifuge Based on CFD Method
中文关键词:  土工离心机  CFD  风阻功率  湍流模型  SRF  MRF中图分类号:TU41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2022)10-0110-10
英文关键词:geotechnical centrifuge  CFD  wind resistance power  turbulence model  SRF  MRF
邵文博 清华大学无锡应用技术研究院,江苏 无锡 214000 
任晓栋 清华大学 能源与动力工程系 热科学与动力工程教育部重点实验室,北京 100000 
胡博 清华大学 能源与动力工程系 热科学与动力工程教育部重点实验室,北京 100000 
SHAO Wen-bo Wuxi Institute of Applied Technology Tsinghua University, Jiangsu Wuxi 214000, China 
REN Xiao-dong Key Laboratory of Thermal Science and Power Engineering, Ministry of Education, Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua Universit, Beijing 100000, China 
HU Bo Key Laboratory of Thermal Science and Power Engineering, Ministry of Education, Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua Universit, Beijing 100000, China 
      目的 研究湍流模型和旋转域划分对土工离心机数值计算的影响,以建立适用于土工离心机计算的数值模型。方法 针对一款有实测风阻功率的土工离心机模型,分别采用SRF和MRF方法进行建模,选用标准k-ε、RNG k-ε和SST k-Omega湍流模型,对不同转速下土工离心机室内流场进行数值模拟,对比计算所得风阻功率、流场及温度场分布。结果 标准 k-ε模型和SST k-Omega模型对湍流黏度的过度预测会导致计算所得土工离心机风阻功率偏大。中低转速下,旋转域的划分对计算结果的影响较小,但采用SRF方法计算所得的风阻功率与实验值更接近。结论 通过对比实验结果,为土工离心机计算建立了较为可靠的数值模型,并通过对比流场分布分析了因湍流模型选择引起计算误差的原因,为土工离心机数值模拟提供了思路。
      The paper aims to study the influence of turbulence model and rotation domain division on the numerical calculation of geotechnical centrifuge, and establish a numerical model suitable for the calculation of geotechnical centrifuge. A geotechnical centrifuge model with measured wind resistance moment is used in this paper. The SRF and the MRF method are used to model, and the standard k-ε, RNG k-ε and SST k-Omega turbulence models are selected to simulate operating condition of geotechnical centrifuge at different speeds. The wind resistance moment, flow field and temperature field distribution of geotechnical centrifuge are compared after calculation complete. It is found that the wind resistance moment obtained by standard k-ε and the SST k-Omega is larger than RNG k-ε because of former over-prediction of the turbulent viscosity. There is little difference of flow field and temperature field obtained by SRF and MRF at low and medium speeds, but the wind resistance moment obtained by SRF is closer to the experimental value. Finally, a more reliable numerical model was established for the calculation of the geotechnical centrifuge by comparing the experimental results, and the reason of the calculation error caused by the selection of the turbulence model was analyzed by comparing the flow field distribution, which provided an idea for the numerical simulation of the geotechnical centrifuge.
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