夏吝时,杨海龙,那伟,杨凯威,孙波,石宝丽.飞行器隔热瓦1 200 ℃性能测试中接触热阻影响仿真与验证[J].装备环境工程,2023,20(2):42-49. XIA Lin-shi,YANG Hai-long,NA Wei,YANG Kai-wei,SUN Bo,SHI Bao-li.Simulation and Verification of Effects of Contact Thermal Resistance on Performance Test of Aircraft Thermal Insulation Tile at 1 200 ℃[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2023,20(2):42-49.
飞行器隔热瓦1 200 ℃性能测试中接触热阻影响仿真与验证
Simulation and Verification of Effects of Contact Thermal Resistance on Performance Test of Aircraft Thermal Insulation Tile at 1 200 ℃
中文关键词:  接触热阻  隔热材料  试验测试  传热过程  数值模拟  陶瓷隔热瓦中图分类号:V416.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2023)02-0042-08
英文关键词:contact thermal resistance  insulation materials  experiment test  heat transfer process  numerical simulation  ceramic insulation tile
夏吝时 北京航天长征飞行器研究所,防隔热实验中心,北京 100076 
杨海龙 航天材料及工艺研究所 先进功能复合材料技术重点实验室,北京 100076 
那伟 北京航天长征飞行器研究所,防隔热实验中心,北京 100076 
杨凯威 北京航天长征飞行器研究所,防隔热实验中心,北京 100076 
孙波 北京航天长征飞行器研究所,防隔热实验中心,北京 100076 
石宝丽 北京航天长征飞行器研究所,防隔热实验中心,北京 100076 
XIA Lin-shi Thermal Protection Experimental Center, Beijing Institute of Space Long March Vehicle, Beijing 100076, China 
YANG Hai-long National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Advanced Functional Composites Technology, Aerospace Research Institute of Materials & Processing Technology, Beijing 100076, China 
NA Wei Thermal Protection Experimental Center, Beijing Institute of Space Long March Vehicle, Beijing 100076, China 
YANG Kai-wei Thermal Protection Experimental Center, Beijing Institute of Space Long March Vehicle, Beijing 100076, China 
SUN Bo Thermal Protection Experimental Center, Beijing Institute of Space Long March Vehicle, Beijing 100076, China 
SHI Bao-li Thermal Protection Experimental Center, Beijing Institute of Space Long March Vehicle, Beijing 100076, China 
      目的 建立统一的飞行器隔热材料性能测试标准。方法 利用数值方法对飞行器隔热瓦1 200 ℃热环境性能测试中的传热模型进行计算。设计3种不同热导率和表面粗糙度的绝热材料隔热性能对比试验。在考虑接触面间凹凸点完全接触导热、接触间隙介质导热和相邻界面辐射传热联合作用时,能够获得与实测数据基本一致的计算结果。结果 试验证明,接触热阻是导致实测数据与理想传热结果相悖的主要原因。获得了接触热阻条件下热扩散系数随传热过程的变化关系,定量得到了相同测试条件下给定的3种不同热导率与粗糙度底部绝热材料对隔热性能测试结果的影响。结论 测试结果存在较大偏差的主要原因是表面粗糙度所致,两接触面在高温条件下更有利于热流传播。研究结果可为飞行器热防护系统设计与性能考核试验方案的确定提供重要参考依据。
      The work aims to establish a unified performance test standard for aircraft insulation materials. The heat transfer model of aircraft insulation tile in thermal environment performance test at 1 200 ℃ was calculated by the numerical method. A comparative test of thermal insulation performance of three kinds of thermal insulation materials with different thermal conductivity and surface roughness was designed. The calculated results were basically consistent with the measured data when the combined effects of complete contact heat conduction between the concave and convex points, heat conduction of the contact gap medium and radiation heat transfer of the adjacent interface were considered. It was proved that the contact thermal resistance was the main reason for the inconsistency between the measured data and the ideal heat transfer results. The relationship between thermal diffusivity and heat transfer process under the condition of contact thermal resistance was obtained, and the effect of three different thermal conductivity and roughness bottom insulation materials on thermal insulation performance was quantitatively obtained under the same test conditions. It is concluded that the main reason for the large deviation of test results is the surface roughness. The two contact surfaces are more favorable for heat flux propagation at high temperature. The research results can provide an important reference for the design of aircraft thermal protection system and the determination of performance test scheme.
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