牛犇,刘溅洪.高原地区机场自然环境谱编制研究[J].装备环境工程,2023,20(4):122-127. NIU Ben,LIU Jian-hong.Compilation of Natural Environment Spectrum of Airport in Plateau Area[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2023,20(4):122-127.
Compilation of Natural Environment Spectrum of Airport in Plateau Area
中文关键词:  气象环境因素  化学环境因素  高原地区  机场  自然环境谱中图分类号:TG174.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2023)04-0122-06
英文关键词:meteorological environmental factor  chemical environmental factor  plateau area  airport  natural environment spectrum
牛犇 陆装驻成都地区航空军代室,成都 610043 
刘溅洪 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039 
NIU Ben Chengdu Aviation Representative Office of Armaments Department of PLA Ground Force, Chengdu 610043, China 
LIU Jian-hong Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing 400039, China 
      目的 编制高原地区机场自然环境谱。方法 通过分析装备典型失效案例,结合高原地区环境特征,得出高原地区影响飞机日历寿命的主要气象环境因素和化学环境因素,并进行为期1 a的实时监测和数据采集,最终编制机场自然环境谱。结果 高原地区两地机场气温较低(10.4 ℃),且昼夜温差大(28.2 ℃),低相对湿度低(61%),气压低(654 hPa),太阳辐射强(8 689.5 MJ/m2),空气中沙尘较少,降水非常少,且雨水pH值接近中性,温度、太阳辐射、降雨等一般夏季较高、冬春季较低。同时,编制了高原两地机场的温度谱、湿度谱、温度–相对湿度谱、降水谱和综合环境谱等。结论 量化了高原地区机场的外场环境,对指导装备的高原环境适应性考核验证和腐蚀防护设计具有重要意义。
      The work aims to compile the natural environment spectrum of airport in plateau area. The major meteorological and chemical environmental factors affecting the calendar life of equipment in plateau area were determined by analyzing the typical failure cases of equipment in combination with the environment characteristics. Then, the real-time monitoring and collection were carried out for one year to finally compile the natural environment spectrum in the airport. The two airports in plateau area had low temperature (10.4 ℃), large temperature difference between day and night (28.2 ℃), low relative humidity (61%) and atmospheric pressure (654 hPa), strong solar radiation (8689.5 MJ/m2), less dust in the air, very little precipitation and rain pH value close to neutral. Additionally, temperature, solar radiation and rainfall were generally higher in summer and lower in winter and spring. Then, the temperature spectrum, humidity spectrum, temperature-humidity spectrum, precipitation spectrum and comprehensive environment spectrum were compiled for the two airports. These environment spectrums quantify the environment of airport in plateau area, which is of great significance to guide the environmental adaptability assessment, verification and corrosion protection design of the equipment.
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