张天才,李希,孙宇楠,蒋和跃,龙沛,阿旺旦增,王振海.雷达吸波复合材料外观失效机理分析及控制方法研究[J].装备环境工程,2023,20(7):175-181. ZHANG Tian-cai,LI Xi,SUN Yu-nan,JIANG He-yue,LONG Pei,A Wang-dan-zeng,WANG Zhen-hai.Mechanism and Controlling Method for Appearance Failure of Radar Absorbing Composites[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2023,20(7):175-181.
Mechanism and Controlling Method for Appearance Failure of Radar Absorbing Composites
投稿时间:2022-10-17  修订日期:2023-02-04
中文关键词:  雷达吸波复合材料  多层泡沫夹芯结构  热膨胀量变化  外观失效  自然环境试验  环境适应性中图分类号:TJ04 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2023)07-0175-07
英文关键词:radar absorbing composites  multi-layer foam sandwich structure  change of heat expansion  appearance failure  natural environmental test  environmental adaptability
张天才 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039 
李希 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039 
孙宇楠 航空工业哈尔滨飞机工业集团有限责任公司,哈尔滨 150060 
蒋和跃 陆军装备部驻重庆地区第六军事代表室,重庆 400042 
龙沛 陆军装备部驻重庆地区第六军事代表室,重庆 400042 
阿旺旦增 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039 
王振海 西南技术工程研究所,重庆 400039 
ZHANG Tian-cai Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing 400039, China 
LI Xi Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing 400039, China 
SUN Yu-nan AVIC Haerbin Aircraft Industry Group, Co., Ltd., Haerbin 150060, China 
JIANG He-yue The Sixth Military Representative Office of the Army Equipment Department in Chongqing, Chongqing 400042, China 
LONG Pei The Sixth Military Representative Office of the Army Equipment Department in Chongqing, Chongqing 400042, China 
A Wang-dan-zeng Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing 400039, China 
WANG Zhen-hai Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing 400039, China 
      目的 解决多层泡沫夹芯结构的雷达吸波复合材料在环境效应下产生外观失效的问题。方法 制备3种类型的雷达吸波复合材料,开展典型自然环境试验。观察试验样品外观状态,并检测变形量。通过观察泡沫的微观组织形貌,检测热膨胀量变化及泡沫与树脂间的粘黏强度,用气相色谱质谱联用仪GCMS检测复合材料裂解气体成分,分析复合材料外观失效成因,并提出解决技术途径。结果 6个月自然环境试验后,1#、2#样品外观失效,而3#样品无明显变化。复合材料100 ℃裂解气体成分为氮气、二氯一氟乙烷、甲基膦酸二甲脂。4种泡沫在22~85 ℃的最大热膨胀量分别为–0.18%、–0.37%、–0.30%、–0.45%。环氧树脂与4种泡沫的粘黏强度在41~52 N,而聚氨酯树脂达到了54~81 N。结论 雷达吸波复合材料泡孔内残留气体的释放,是导致外观失效的根本原因。通过热处理工艺,减少样品残留气体量,并提升胶黏剂与泡沫的粘黏复合强度,是提升复合材料环境适应性的有效技术途径。
      The work aims to solve the appearance failure of radar absorbing composites with multi-layer foam sandwich structure under environmental effect. Three types of radar absorbing composites were prepared and tested in the typical natural environment. The appearance of the test sample was observed and the deformation was detected. By observing the microstructure morphology of the foam, the change of heat expansion and the adhesive strength between the foam and the resin was detected. A GCMS was used to detect the fracturing gas composition of the composites, and the causes for appearance failure of the composites and the technical solutions were analyzed. After 6 months of natural environment test, the appearance of 1# and 2# samples failed, while that of 3# samples did not change significantly. The composition of the fracturing gas at 100 ℃ was nitrogen, dichlorofluoroethane and dimethyl methylphosphonate. At 22-85 ℃, the maximum heat expansion of the four foams was –0.18%, –0.37%, –0.30% and –0.45%, respectively. The adhesive strength of epoxy resin to four foams was 41-52 N, while that of polyurethane resin was 54-81 N. Residual gas release in the pores of radar absorbing composites is the root cause of appearance failure. It is an effective technical way to improve the environmental adaptability of composites by reducing the amount of residual gas in samples and improving the adhesive strength between adhesives and foams by heat treatment.
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