邢浩,杨军.考虑延缓纠正的双应力加速可靠性增长试验方法[J].装备环境工程,2023,20(10):1-7. XING Hao,YANG Jun.A Double Stress Accelerated Reliability Growth Test with Delayed Corrections[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2023,20(10):1-7.
A Double Stress Accelerated Reliability Growth Test with Delayed Corrections
投稿时间:2023-09-14  修订日期:2023-09-25
中文关键词:  双应力  加速可靠性增长  AMSAA模型  广义艾琳模型  加速系数  延缓纠正文中图分类号:TJ089 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2023)10-0001-07
英文关键词:double-stress  accelerated reliability growth  AMSAA model  generalized eyring model  acceleration coefficient  delayed corrections
邢浩 北京航空航天大学 可靠与系统工程研究院,北京 100191 
杨军 北京航空航天大学 可靠与系统工程研究院,北京 100191 
XING Hao School of Reliability and Systems Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, 100191 
YANG Jun School of Reliability and Systems Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, 100191 
      目的 缩短传统加速可靠性增长试验时间,以及考虑延缓纠正方式对产品可靠性的影响。方法 提出考虑延缓纠正的双应力加速可靠性增长试验方法,首先,采用基于延缓纠正AMSAA模型跟踪可靠性增长过程,并采用极大似然估计方法估计模型参数;其次,以温度和振动作为加速应力为例,开展加速寿命试验,获得试验数据,基于广义艾琳模型,通过最小二乘估计方法得到加速系数;然后,将产品可靠性外推到正常应力水平。结果 航空蓄电池应用案例分析表明,与基于单应力加载的高应力加速可靠性增长试验相比,所提方法能够缩短29.4%的试验时间,并且采用延缓纠正方式对产品的可靠性有影响。结论 为产品在双应力加载方式和采用延缓纠正方式下开展高应力加速可靠性增长试验的可靠性评估提供了技术手段。
      The work aims to shorten the time of traditional accelerated reliability growth tests and consider the effect of delayed corrections on product reliability. A double-stress accelerated reliability growth test method considering delayed corrections was proposed. Firstly, the reliability growth process was tracked with the AMSAA model based on delayed correction, and the model parameters were estimated by the maximum likelihood estimation method. Secondly, with temperature and vibration as the accelerated stress, an accelerated life test was carried out to obtain the test data, and the acceleration coefficient was obtained by the least square estimation method based on the generalized eyring model. Then, the product reliability was extrapolated to normal stress level. The application case analysis of aircraft storage battery showed that the proposed method could shorten the test time by 29.4% compared with the high-stress accelerated reliability growth test based on single-stress loading and the delayed corrections method had an impact on the product reliability. It provides technical methods for reliability evaluation of high-stress accelerated reliability growth tests under double-stress loading and delayed corrections.
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