吴昊阳,赵文哲,常颖.装甲车辆沙漠戈壁地区环境适应性试验设计[J].装备环境工程,2023,20(12):95-101. WU Hao-yang,ZHAO Wen-zhe,CHANG Ying.Experimental Design of Environmental Adaptability of Armoured Vehicles in Desert Gobi Area[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2023,20(12):95-101.
Experimental Design of Environmental Adaptability of Armoured Vehicles in Desert Gobi Area
投稿时间:2023-08-25  修订日期:2023-11-27
中文关键词:  装甲车辆  沙漠  戈壁  复杂环境  环境适应性  试验设计中图分类号:TJ811 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2023)12-0095-07
英文关键词:armored vehicles  desert  Gobi  complex environment  environmental adaptability  experimental design
吴昊阳 解放军63966部队,北京 100072 
赵文哲 解放军63966部队,北京 100072 
常颖 解放军63966部队,北京 100072 
WU Hao-yang  
ZHAO Wen-zhe  
CHANG Ying  
      The work aims to analyze the problems of low coverage, insufficient assessment intensity and old test standards in the current armored vehicle identification and finalization test carried out by Chinese army, because these problems have greatly reduced the operation effectiveness and even caused the failure to meet the requirements in operation. Based on the current traditional organization method of adaptation test in cold, hot and humid areas and plateau areas and combined with the current requirements of complex environmental test and boundary condition assessment, the sensitive environmental factors in desert Gobi area were analyzed and two new test methods were proposed:one was the adaptability test method of "basic+complex" combination in desert Gobi area and the other was the test method based on the task section cycle in operation, further improving the test evaluation strength and depth, and providing the design new idea for the adaptability test of the armored vehicles in desert Gobi area.
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