李芳,麻宏亮,张鹏辉,胡伟,宫兆飞,谢明伟.两种可靠性评估方法对总体样本中哑弹检出效率的研究[J].装备环境工程,2023,20(12):111-115. LI Fang,MA Hong-liang,ZHANG Peng-hui,HU Wei,GONG Zhao-fei,XIE Ming-wei.Efficiency of Two Reliability Evaluation Methods in Detecting Duds in Overall Samples[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2023,20(12):111-115.
Efficiency of Two Reliability Evaluation Methods in Detecting Duds in Overall Samples
投稿时间:2023-07-24  修订日期:2023-09-21
中文关键词:  火工品  可靠性  评估方法  哑弹  模拟仿真  检出效率中图分类号:TJ450.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2023)12-0111-05
英文关键词:initiating explosive devices  reliability  assessment method  dud  simulation  detection efficiency.
李芳 陕西应用物理化学研究所 应用物理化学重点实验室,西安 710061 
麻宏亮 陕西应用物理化学研究所 应用物理化学重点实验室,西安 710061 
张鹏辉 陕西应用物理化学研究所 应用物理化学重点实验室,西安 710061 
胡伟 陕西应用物理化学研究所 应用物理化学重点实验室,西安 710061 
宫兆飞 陆装沈阳军代局驻抚顺地区军代室,辽宁 抚顺 113000 
谢明伟 陕西应用物理化学研究所 应用物理化学重点实验室,西安 710061 
LI Fang State Key Laboratory of Applied Physics-chemistry, Shaanxi Applied Physics-chemistry Research Institute, Shaanxi Xi'an 710061, China 
MA Hong-liang State Key Laboratory of Applied Physics-chemistry, Shaanxi Applied Physics-chemistry Research Institute, Shaanxi Xi'an 710061, China 
ZHANG Peng-hui State Key Laboratory of Applied Physics-chemistry, Shaanxi Applied Physics-chemistry Research Institute, Shaanxi Xi'an 710061, China 
HU Wei State Key Laboratory of Applied Physics-chemistry, Shaanxi Applied Physics-chemistry Research Institute, Shaanxi Xi'an 710061, China 
GONG Zhao-fei Military Office of Army Equipment Shengyang Military Bureau in Fushun , Liaoning Fushun 113000, China 
XIE Ming-wei State Key Laboratory of Applied Physics-chemistry, Shaanxi Applied Physics-chemistry Research Institute, Shaanxi Xi'an 710061, China 
      目的 运用GJB 376A—2019 和 GJB 8185—2015可靠性评估方法,通过样本的发火试验,对发生哑弹的故障中与火工品关联的底事件检出率进行研究,提出更合理、更科学的应用方法以及改进建议。方法 采用蒙特卡洛模拟仿真的方法,研究升降法标准差估值无偏情况下,2个标准中规定的可靠性评估方法对底事件的检出效率。结果 GJB 376A—2019规定的方法对于哑弹的检出效率远高于GJB 8185—2015规定的方法。结论 GJB 376A—2019更便于工程应用,GJB 8185—2015存在哑弹检出效率方面的局限性,建议在标准中进行的升降法试验程序中,增加对于出现的不发火样品的约束条件。
      The work aims to study the detection rate of bottom events associated with initiating explosive devices in the fault of duds through the fire test of samples according to the reliability evaluation methods of GJB 376A-2019 and GJB 8185-2015, and propose more reasonable and scientific application methods and improvement suggestions. The Monte Carlo simulation method was used to study the detection efficiency of the reliability evaluation method specified in the two standards when the standard deviation estimation of the lifting method was unbiased. The method specified in GJB 376A-2019 was much more efficient for the detection of duds than the method specified in GJB 8185-2015. GJB 376A-2019 is more convenient for engineering applications. GJB 8185-2015 has limitations in the detection efficiency of duds. It is recommended to add restrictions on the non-igniting samples in the lifting test procedure carried out in the standard.
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