赵俐蓉,段捷,赵河明,于静.基于锡合金的水下机器人密封自修复系统设计[J].装备环境工程,2024,21(2):89-96. ZHAO Lirong,DUAN Jie,ZHAO Heming,YU Jing.Design of Seal Self-repairing System Based on Tin Alloy for Underwater Vehicle[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2024,21(2):89-96.
Design of Seal Self-repairing System Based on Tin Alloy for Underwater Vehicle
投稿时间:2023-12-19  修订日期:2024-02-03
中文关键词:  水下机器人  漏水故障  余度设计  密封自修复  锡合金  静力学分析中图分类号:TH122 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2024)02-0089-08
英文关键词:underwater vehicle  water leakage  redundancy design  seal self-repairing  tin alloy  statics analysis
赵俐蓉 中北大学 长治产业技术研究院,山西 长治 046012 
段捷 中北大学 长治产业技术研究院,山西 长治 046012 
赵河明 中北大学 长治产业技术研究院,山西 长治 046012 
于静 中国船舶集团有限公司第七一四研究所,北京100101 
ZHAO Lirong Changzhi Industrial Technology Research Academy, North University of China, Changzhi 046012, China 
DUAN Jie Changzhi Industrial Technology Research Academy, North University of China, Changzhi 046012, China 
ZHAO Heming Changzhi Industrial Technology Research Academy, North University of China, Changzhi 046012, China 
YU Jing The 714th Research Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, Beijing 100101, China 
      目的 解决水下机器人推进器密封系统在驱动电机轴高速旋转和高水压情况下,密封件易磨损失效导致发生漏水故障的问题。方法 利用余度设计思想,在原有密封结构的基础上,设计一种基于锡合金的水下机器人密封自修复系统,当原有密封结构失效漏水,密封自修复系统便控制限位锡合金块加热至融化,使锡合金块的限位作用消失,进而释放冗余密封圈,并通过拉簧的作用将冗余密封圈推至密封槽内,从而恢复推进器的密封功能。为验证设计的可靠性,又通过有限元软件ANSYS对密封自修复结构中影响密封性能的关键部件进行静力学分析。结果 关键部件的强度仿真结果均满足设计要求,在密封自修复实验装置箱体内注适量水,并施加2 MPa的水压保持一段时间,密封自修复系统成功启动,且其密封性能传感器未检测到其漏水。结论 密封自修复系统可在漏水的情况下顺利启动,并起到密封的作用,验证了设计的可行性。
      The work aims to solve the problem that the sealing element of the underwater vehicle propeller seal system is prone to wear failure, causing water leakage when the motor shaft runs at high speed and high pressure. A seal self-repairing system based on tin alloy and original sealing structure for underwater vehicle was designed by the idea of redundancy design. When the original sealing structure failed and leaked water, the self-repairing system controlled the limit tin alloy block for heating and melting, so that the limiting effect of the tin alloy block disappeared, and then released the redundant sealing ring, and pushed the redundant sealing ring into the sealing slot through the action of the tension spring, thus restoring the sealing function of the propeller. In order to verify the reliability of the design, the static analysis of the weak parts of the seal self-repairing structure was carried out by the finite element software ANSYS. The strength simulation results of key components met the design requirements, and the self-repairing system was successfully started by injecting proper amount of water into the box of the self-repairing experimental device and applying 2 MPa water pressure for a period of time, and its sealing performance sensor did not detect water leakage. The results show that the seal self-repairing system can start smoothly under the condition of water leakage and play the role of sealing, which verifies the feasibility of the design.
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