张浩,谢朝阳.基于仿真模型的固态储氢材料腐蚀可靠性评估方法[J].装备环境工程,2024,21(6):127-135. ZHANG Hao,XIE Chaoyang.Corrosion Reliability Assessment Method of Solid Hydrogen Storage Materials Based on Simulation Model[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2024,21(6):127-135.
Corrosion Reliability Assessment Method of Solid Hydrogen Storage Materials Based on Simulation Model
投稿时间:2024-01-30  修订日期:2024-03-26
中文关键词:  有机涂层  氢化物  腐蚀  耦合模拟  多物理场建模  可靠性评估中图分类号:TG172 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2024)06-0127-09
英文关键词:organic coatings  hydrides  corrosion  coupled simulation  multi-physics molding  reliability assessment
张浩 西南科技大学 土木工程与建筑学院,四川 绵阳 621010 
谢朝阳 工程材料与结构冲击振动四川省重点实验室,四川 绵阳 621999 
ZHANG Hao School of Civil Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Sichuan Mianyang 621010, China 
XIE Chaoyang Shock and Vibration of Engineering Materials and Structures Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Mianyang 621999, China 
      目的 对含涂层金属氢化物储氢结构的腐蚀可靠性进行建模和评估,支撑固态储氢结构的可靠性设计与预防性维修。方法 通过分析含涂层金属氢化物基体结构腐蚀的物理化学过程,建立腐蚀失效的多物理仿真模型,并进行影响因素分析。基于仿真模型产生的数据,将含涂层金属氢化物结构的潮解性能退化离散化为若干状态,并建立多状态退化的马尔可夫模型,进行腐蚀可靠性评估。结果 获得了涂层孔隙率、涂层厚度、相对湿度、环境温度对固态储氢结构腐蚀可靠性影响重要度分析结果,利用提出的方法可以对含有机涂层氢化物结构在不同温度、湿度和保护材料参数下的腐蚀可靠性进行评估。结论 涂层孔隙率的变化对固态储氢材料腐蚀可靠性的影响最为关键。基于失效物理模型和多状态可靠性理论建立的固态储氢材料腐蚀可靠性评估方法,可以实现储氢材料长期腐蚀可靠性的评估,对于金属氢化物等类似产品的腐蚀可靠性具有较好的适用性。
      The work aims to model and evaluate the corrosion reliability of coating-containing metal hydride hydrogen storage structures to support the reliability design and preventive maintenance of solid-state hydrogen storage structures. A multi-physics simulation model of corrosion failure was established by analyzing the physicochemical process of corrosion of coating-containing metal hydride substrate structures and the affecting factors were analyzed. Based on the data generated by the simulation model, the deliquescent property degradation of the coating-containing metal hydride structure was discretized into several states, and a Markov model of multi-state degradation was established for corrosion reliability assessment. The results of the significance analysis of the effects of coating porosity, coating thickness, relative humidity, and ambient temperature on the corrosion reliability of solid-state hydrogen storage structures were obtained, and the corrosion reliability of organic coating-containing hydride structures was evaluated at different temperature, humidity, and parameter of the protective materials by the proposed method. The change of coating porosity has the most critical effect on the corrosion reliability of solid-state hydrogen storage materials, and the corrosion reliability assessment method of solid-state hydrogen storage materials established based on the failure physical model and multi-state reliability theory in this work can realize the assessment of long-term corrosion reliability of hydrogen storage materials, and it has good applicability to the corrosion reliability of metal hydrides, etc.
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