Volume 19,Issue 12,2022 Table of Contents

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  Abstract(804)  View PDF(589)
  Abstract(723)  View PDF(1058)
  Abstract(767)  View PDF(629)
  Abstract(740)  View PDF(489)


Method and Software of Reliability Prediction for Complex Pyrotechnic System
  YUAN Xiao-xia, FU Dong-xiao, MA Hong-liang, ZHANG Lei, LI Fang, ZHANG Rui
  Abstract(1438)  View PDF(612)
Reliability of Separation Nuts Based on Stress-Intensity Interference Model
  NIU Lei, DONG Hai-ping, ZHAO Xiang-run, LI Chao-zhen, YAN Nan
  Abstract(1430)  View PDF(528)
Motion Reliability Analysis of Pin Puller Mechanism Based on Uncertainty
  Abstract(1258)  View PDF(527)
Energy Exchange Law and Gap Ignition Performance of Energetic Ink NiCr Bridge
  ZHANG Jiang-tao, XU Jian-bing, CHENG Jian, ZHANG Ze-hua, LI Fu-wei, YANG Teng-long, YE Ying-hua, SHEN Rui-qi
  Abstract(1508)  View PDF(564)
Optimization and Experimental Verification of Fuel Throat Ratio of Gunpowder Igniter Based on Interior Trajectory Simulation
  LIU Yang, YU Jiang, LI Xue-fei, MA Wen-jie, NIU Lei, QI Huan-huan
  Abstract(1718)  View PDF(553)
Reliability of Safe Explosion Avoidance Ignition Device for Oil and Gas Wells
  WANG Feng, MA Tao, LI Jing-cen, CHEN Zheng, WANG Xi, HUO Da, LIU Chao-jin, LIU Qian-qian, ZHAO Zhen-yang
  Abstract(1439)  View PDF(571)
Effects of Salt Spray Environment on Stabilizing Property of Pyrotechnic Agents
  YU Qian, HOU Jia-xing, LIU Jing-song, ZHANG Hong-guang, LIU Chuang, YANG Li
  Abstract(1298)  View PDF(535)
Qualitative Effects of Ultraviolet Light on PETN Based on TDDFT
  ZHANG Bao-sen, ZHANG Shu-hai, GOU Rui-jun, CHEN Ya-hong, ZHU Shuang-fei, MA Kun
  Abstract(1344)  View PDF(522)
Temperature and Humidity Dual Stress Accelerated Life Test Method of Pyrotechnics
  LI Fang, MA Hong-liang, DU Zhen-hua, YUAN Xiao-xia, ZHANG Rui, LI Jun
  Abstract(1695)  View PDF(572)

Aviation and Aerospace Equipment

Accelerated Storage Test Method for Missile Equipment Based on Comprehensive Environmental Profile
  ZHANG Shi-nian, YANG Wei-zhong, XIA Ke-han, YAN Shi-yuan, JI Zhong-dong
  Abstract(1779)  View PDF(561)
Equivalent-scale Experiment on Damage of Aviation Aluminium Alloy for UAV by Laser Irradiation
  LIU Kun, ZHANG Qing-xia, SUN Shu-wei, BAI Yi-xin, TANG Wei, ZHENG Chang-bin
  Abstract(1350)  View PDF(562)


Degradation Law of Two Kinds of Protective Coating Systems in Hot and Humid Marine Atmospheric Environment
  FENG Ya-fei, ZHU Yu-qin, SU Yan, DAI Lu, LI Jia-meng, LONG Shi-teng
  Abstract(1455)  View PDF(542)
Optimization Design of Impressed Current Cathodic Protection for Offshore Oil Jacket Platform I:Single Seat Auxiliary Anode
  ZHANG Wei, ZHANG Yuan-sheng, HAN Bing, JIN Xi, ZHUANG Ze-jing, ZHAN Hui
  Abstract(1218)  View PDF(593)

Key Projects Equipment

Numerical Simulation on Temperature Rise of High-speed Geotechnical Centrifuge
  SHAO Wen-bo, REN Xiao-dong, HU Bo
  Abstract(1181)  View PDF(565)
Effects of Impact on the Fretting Wear Behavior of Steam Generator Tubes
  MEI Jin-na, HAN Yao-lei, WANG Peng, CAI Zhen
  Abstract(1313)  View PDF(662)
Stress and Deformation Analysis of Double-groove Stepped Groove Based on Thermal-fluid-solid Coupling
  ZHANG Qi-xuan, ZHANG Wei-zheng, ZHANG Zuo-li, ZHAO Ji-jun
  Abstract(1277)  View PDF(599)
Microstructural Evolution and High-temperature Mechanical Properties of In-service Super304H Heat-resistant Steel Tube
  LIU Run, LIU Jun-jian, WANG Wan-li, WU Yue, WANG Yan, TANG Wen-ming
  Abstract(1272)  View PDF(579)

Environmental Test and Observation

Assessment on Environmental Adaptability of Antireflective Films on Silicon in Typical Natural Environment
  YANG Yu-ping, SONG Jian-hua, LIU Jian, ZHOU Xiao-yu, LIU Yan-fang, GE Fan, ZHAO Yuan-rong, WANG Chong-wen, LUO Rui, LIU Yun-hong
  Abstract(1153)  View PDF(610)
Height Distribution Law of Chlorine Ions in Coastal Atmosphere
  ZHANG Tao, LI Hong-fei, LIU Jing, ZHU Hao-ruo
  Abstract(1201)  View PDF(571)