Volume 16,Issue 2,2019 Table of Contents

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Pressure Vessel Design and Analysis of Heating-reactor of Advanced Low-pressurized and Passive Safety System
  ZHENG Gang, SUN Pei-dong, PENG Yi, XIE Kai, LI Yu-quan and CHEN Yao-dong
  Abstract(11313)  View PDF(8984)
Study on the Adjustment of Reactor Pressure Vessel Main Bolt Residual Elongation during Individual Hydraulic Test
  CHEN Tao, NIE Zhao-yu, HU Da-fen and XU Xiao
  Abstract(11180)  View PDF(9002)
Design of Pressure Transmission and Heat Insulation Device for Deepsea Pressure Test
  WU Jing, ZHANG Shuai, TANG Peng-peng and YANG Min
  Abstract(11107)  View PDF(8960)
Destructive Effect on Integrity of Pressure-retaining Boundary Imposed by Bimetal Flywheel Missiles in the Canned Motor Pump
  TANG Xu, ZHANG Ji-ge and WANG De-zhong
  Abstract(10859)  View PDF(9021)
Calculation and Analysis of Valve Stiffness in Pipeline Mechanics Analysis
  LONG Bo, DANG Jun-jie and WANG Yan-ping
  Abstract(11292)  View PDF(9019)
Mechanical Calculation and Engineering Application of Cable Tray in Nuclear Power Plant
  LI He, DANG Jun-jie, GAO Qi-le and LI Wen-mo
  Abstract(11130)  View PDF(9038)
Research on Coupling Code of ICEM-CFD Based Neutronic and Mechanics
  YUAN Bao-xin, ZHENG Jie, YANG Wan-kui and ZENG He-rong
  Abstract(10976)  View PDF(8979)
Buckling Capacity Optimization of Stiffened Panels Based on Ideal Point Method
  TANG Qi-qin and LI Bo-yang
  Abstract(10816)  View PDF(8947)
Proposed Formula for Tensile Strength of Ring Brazil Test
  WANG Jie, TAO Jun-lin and GUO Hui
  Abstract(11196)  View PDF(9002)
Strength Analysis and Evaluation of ACP1000 Residual Heat Removal System Piping
  LAN Qi, NING Qing-kun and TANG Yu-jian
  Abstract(11195)  View PDF(9020)
Stress Analyzing and Evaluating of Different Rank Pipes of RVD System of ACP1000 Reactor
  LIU He-tong, GAO Qi-le and DANG Jun-jie
  Abstract(11178)  View PDF(9036)
Seismic Analysis and Design of ACP1000 Degassing Tower Liquid Cooler
  DANG Jun-jie, LI Wen-mo, LONG Bo, LIU He-tong and LI He
  Abstract(11123)  View PDF(9100)
Seismic Analysis of Assembled Model of Control Rod Drive Mechanism and Reactor Head Package
  LU Zhi-cheng, SHANG Er-tao, WU Shi-jian, NIE Zhao-yu and CHEN Yong-chao
  Abstract(11269)  View PDF(9013)
General Method and Related Issues of Analysis on Seismic Fragility of Electronic Control Cabinet in Nuclear Power Plant
  YIN Yi-hui, WANG Qiang and WU Rui-an
  Abstract(10611)  View PDF(8952)
Multi-layer Response Spectrum Seismic Analysis Considering the Rigid Modal Responses
  PENG Xing-ming, ZHENG Xiu-peng, JIA Yan-jie and YU Shun-li
  Abstract(11165)  View PDF(8963)
Comparison of Shock Analysis Methods for Pressurizer of Floating Nuclear Reactor
  ZHANG Guo-xun, ZHU He and LIU Guang-dong
  Abstract(11296)  View PDF(8966)
A Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm Based Transient Identification Method in Nuclear Power Plants
  BAI Xiao-ming, WANG Xin-jun, AI Hong-lei, WEI Dong, ZHENG Lian-gang and XIE Hai
  Abstract(11312)  View PDF(8889)
Thermal Transient Analysis of Nuclear Class 1 Piping in Nuclear Power Plant
  CHEN Li, TIAN Jin-mei, ZENG Xiang-fu and DANG Jun-jie
  Abstract(10931)  View PDF(8878)
Summary of Modal Superposition Method Based Correction Methods for Vibration Response
  YU Chen-yang and FAN Xuan-hua
  Abstract(11027)  View PDF(8987)
Fatigue Life Assessment for High-energy Pipe of Floating Nuclear Power Station under Shocking Based on Instantaneous Analysis
  BAI Fan, LIU Yong, WU Jun, DAI Chun-hui, XIAO Qi and WANG Wei
  Abstract(11283)  View PDF(9027)
Applicability Analysis of Fluid30 Element for Calculation of Dynamic Characteristics of Coaxial Cylindrical Shell
  XU Jian-hang and YANG Yi-ren
  Abstract(11026)  View PDF(8943)
Methods for Evaluating Added Masses of a Group of Circular Cylinders in Confined Fluid
  XIE Teng, LIU Jian-hu and WANG Hai-kun
  Abstract(10858)  View PDF(9070)