Volume 18,Issue 3,2021 Table of Contents

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  Abstract(1640)  View PDF(1817)
  Abstract(1561)  View PDF(1530)
  Abstract(1635)  View PDF(1360)
  Abstract(1555)  View PDF(1360)
Recent Development of Re-entry Aero-thermal-dynamic Environmental Prediction and Test Technology
  KANG Tian, LI Ming-hai, LI Chun-li, WANG Wen, ZHOU Lin, WU Lian-jun, LIU Qing-lin
  Abstract(2691)  View PDF(1577)
Engineering Prediction Method of the Vibration Environment for Re-entry Vehicle
  LI Chun-li, SHI Xian-jie
  Abstract(2309)  View PDF(1560)
Discussion on Prediction Methods of Fluctuating Pressure Environments of Flow Fields Surrounding the Aircraft
  MA Shi-wei, JIANG Hua-bing
  Abstract(2479)  View PDF(1627)
A HFS Solver for Simulation of Fluctuation Pressure in Compressible Flow
  ZHOU Lin, SHEN Yi, GE Ren-wei
  Abstract(2186)  View PDF(1545)
Random Vibration Analysis of Free Body Under Fluctuating Pressure Considering Correlation
  XU Mao, LI Shang-ming, WU Lian-jun
  Abstract(2120)  View PDF(1535)
Numerical Analysis of Random Vibro-acoustic Based on Finite Element Method
  WU Lian-jun, CHEN Hong-yong
  Abstract(2647)  View PDF(1578)
Random Vibration Response Analysis of Aircraft with Pulsating Pressure Excitation Based on PANDA Platform
  WANG Ke-ying, HU jie, FAN Xuan-hua, NIU Hong-pan
  Abstract(2241)  View PDF(1622)
Wind Tunnel Test Research on Surface Pressure Fluctuations of a Blunt Cone
  WANG Wen, JIANG Hua-bin
  Abstract(2465)  View PDF(1547)
Model Flight Test Design to Measure Re-entry Aero-thermal-dynamic Environments
  KANG Tian, JIANG Hua-bing, SHAN Ji-xiang
  Abstract(2380)  View PDF(1659)
Overall Design and Key Technologies of the Re-entry Environment Flight Test Rocket
  ONG Yan, LI Hao, XU Xin-yin, SHAN Ji-xiang, ZHAO Ping, ZENG Fei
  Abstract(2182)  View PDF(1604)
Effect of the Attack Angle on the Reentry Warhead Aerodynamic Heating Environment and Structure Thermal Response
  SHAN Ji-xiang, CHEN Qiang-hong, ZHAO Ping
  Abstract(2113)  View PDF(1545)
The Balancing Rotating Speed Analyses and Trajectory Design of Rolling Tail Rocker Projectile
  LI Bo, ZHANG Xu, CHEN Qiang-hong, ZHAO Ping, DONG Yan, ZENG Fei
  Abstract(2377)  View PDF(1548)
Design of Multi-channel Weak Signal Conditioning Circuit for Fluctuating Pressure of Rocket Test Platform
  ZHANG Qi, NIE Fei, ZHANG Cheng, QIAO Gang, LUO Cheng-gang
  Abstract(2308)  View PDF(1543)
The Synchronizing Sample and Data Recovery for Multi-channel Fluctuating Pressure in the Rocket Test Platform
  ZHANG Cheng, ZHANG Qi, NIE Fei, LUO Cheng-gang, LIU Jing
  Abstract(2291)  View PDF(1584)
The Equivalence of Re-entry Flight Ground Vibration Test
  SU Bo, ZHANG Gao-nan, SHI Xian-jie
  Abstract(2208)  View PDF(1630)
Experimental Study on Two Points Response Control Technology for Typical Conical Structures
  ZHOU Tong, HU Jie, OUYANG Zhi-jiang, ZHAO Huai-yun
  Abstract(2432)  View PDF(1543)
The Control Techniques in the Vibro-acoustic Test
  LIU Qing-lin, WANG Dong-sheng, LI Ming-hai
  Abstract(2409)  View PDF(1526)
The Design of Overloaded Transient Thermal Testing Apparatus to Simulate Re-entry Heating and Testing Techniques
  WU Song, HU Yu-peng, LI Chong, LU Jia-fu, LU Liang, ZHANG Shuai, CHEN Jun, OU Feng
  Abstract(2512)  View PDF(1606)