Volume 20,Issue 4,2023 Table of Contents

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  Abstract(706)  View PDF(668)
  Abstract(721)  View PDF(1026)
  Abstract(649)  View PDF(470)

Weapons Equipment

Law of Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Front Steering Axle-beam Components with Defects
  GONG Xiao-kang, LI Xiang-yu, TIAN Zhan-dong
  Abstract(1308)  View PDF(569)
Design Method of Unified Environmental Test Conditions for Equipment Based on Grading Strategy
  LI Bing-wei, NIU Zhi-ling, HUANG Meng-hong, LI Yu-qing
  Abstract(1117)  View PDF(662)
Overview of Anti-chaff Interference of Radio Fuze
  LIU Jing-ping, HAN Ke-dong, LIU Bin, ZHOU Lin
  Abstract(1786)  View PDF(594)
Reformulation of FRF-based Substructuring Method and Its Applicationin Environment Prediction
  CHEN Jiang-pan
  Abstract(1012)  View PDF(499)

Aviation and Aerospace Equipment

Performance of Silicon Rubber at Low Temperature
  HU Tao, WU Yang, SUN Mao-jun, LI Qian, ZHAO Fang-chao, WANG Ling
  Abstract(2259)  View PDF(643)
Performance Attenuation Model and Calendar Life Evaluation for Rubber Seal Ring of Main Reducer
  WU Yun-zhang, LI Jian, LI Chang-fan, SHEN Jun
  Abstract(1213)  View PDF(528)

Ships and Marine Engineering Equipment

Corrosion of Avionics Connectors in Reef Environment and Its Effect on Signal Transmission
  XU Zhen-xiao, YU Da-zhao, LIU Qi
  Abstract(1133)  View PDF(558)
Corrosion Failure Causes of Ship Seawater Piping Based on Fault Tree Theory and Its Application
  YAO Lei, TANG Xiao-dong, FU Yun-peng, WANG He-yuan, WU Yu-zeng
  Abstract(1414)  View PDF(671)
Simulation on Corrosion of Dissimilar Metallic Coupled Pipes in Seawater Pipe System
  WANG Bing-qin, XIA Deng-hui, LI Zhuo-xuan, JI Hao-tian, CAO Yan-hui, YONG Xing-yue, ZHOU Huan, XU Zhi-xiong
  Abstract(1488)  View PDF(534)

Key Projects Equipment

Development of Thermal Aging Test Platform for Ceramic Internals of High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor
  LIN Ze-quan, WANG Qing-wu, ZHAN Ying-jie, TI Wen-xin, PENG Qun-jia, GONG Bing
  Abstract(1351)  View PDF(523)
New Method for On-line Measurement of Spring Load during Stress Relaxation
  SU Yi, WANG Xin-yu, RAN Wei, WANG Meng-jia, SONG Kai-qiang, HE Yi
  Abstract(1371)  View PDF(607)
Salt Spray Corrosion Behavior of Environmentally Friendly Zn-Al Coatings on NdFeB Magnets
  HU Na, XIE Fa-qin, WU Xiang-qing, LI Shu-liang, HUANG Ke-chao, HE Dong-dong, LU Chuang
  Abstract(1433)  View PDF(554)
Comparative Study on Long-term Corrosion Protection Technologies for Steel Piles at Tianjin LNG Receiving Terminal
  LUO Xiang-ping, AI Shao-ping, ZHAN Yi-ming, LI Yi-hang, WANG Jing
  Abstract(1261)  View PDF(570)
Statistics and Cause Analysis of Gas Leakage in Urban Polyethylene Gas Pipelines
  LI Xia-xi, XING Lin-lin, TIAN Xiao-jiang, GAO Guan-ling, LIU Min, XU Qing-qing, GAO Jin
  Abstract(1207)  View PDF(553)
Uniaxial Virtual Vibration Test Technology
  ZHAO Yan-tao, CHEN Yao, LI Jian, JIA Jun-jie
  Abstract(1353)  View PDF(594)

Environmental Test and Observation

Compilation of Natural Environment Spectrum of Airport in Plateau Area
  NIU Ben, LIU Jian-hong
  Abstract(1312)  View PDF(596)
Temperature Response Measurement and Balance Time of Typical Equipment
  YANG Guo-hui
  Abstract(1230)  View PDF(541)