Volume 15,Issue 6,2018 Table of Contents

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Configuration Strategy of Vacuum System in Large-scale Space Environment Simulator
  ZHANG Lei, WANG Jun-wei and FU Chun-yu
  Abstract(11232)  View PDF(9356)
Design of Slender Dual-exciter Vibration Test Program Based on Modal Test
  CHENG Peng-bin, LI Min-wei, MA Chao and LIU Pan-feng
  Abstract(11527)  View PDF(9082)
Architecture Design of Control Management System for Aircraft Climatic Environment Test Facility
  LI Dong-mei, WU Xiang-fu, ZHANG Yi and LI Chuang-qin
  Abstract(11303)  View PDF(9199)
Correlation between Marine Atmospheric Environmental Test and Laboratory Environmental Test of Aircraft Surface Coating
  LIU Cheng-chen, ZHAO Lian-hong and WANG Hao-wei
  Abstract(11681)  View PDF(9275)
Compression Experiment and Buffering Characteristic Analysis of Engineering Rubber Products
  HUANG Zhou, JIA Dong, CHEN Jun-hong, LIU Ping, LI Hong-mei and ZENG Fei
  Abstract(11902)  View PDF(9486)
Design Preparation and Simulation Experiment of Emergency Automatic Plugging Material
  ZHANG Yi, OU Zhong-wen, ZENG Xian-guang, LIU Jin-ming and DENG Wei
  Abstract(11597)  View PDF(8930)


Research Progress in Seawater Corrosion of Hull Structural Steel
  ZHANG Xiao-dong, HU Yu-long, BU Shi-chao and ZHOU Zi-long
  Abstract(10731)  View PDF(9196)
Predicting Method of Atmospheric Corrosion Rate Based on Manifold Dimension Reduction and Gradient Boosting Decision Trees
  LIANG Xi-wang, FU Dong-mei and YANG Tao
  Abstract(11897)  View PDF(9336)
Research Progress on the Application of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy in Performance Evaluation of Organic Coating
  XU An-tao, LI Xi-dong and ZHOU Hui
  Abstract(11448)  View PDF(9453)
Research Status on Internal Corrosion Protection Technology of Oil & Gas Transportation Pipeline
  ZHAO Yi, XU Yan-yan, ZHU Yuan-yuan, WANG Mao-mao, LI Da-peng, WANG Xiu-yun and XIAO Wen-wen
  Abstract(11299)  View PDF(9257)
Corrosion Resistance of Tungsten Carbide Surface Treatment of 35Cr2Ni4MoA
  ZHAO Lian-hong, LIU Cheng-chen, HE Wei-ping and WANG Hao-wei
  Abstract(11596)  View PDF(9167)
Corrosion Behavior of 7A52 Aluminum Alloy Plasma Arc Welding Joint in Salt Water Spray
  LYU Yao-hui, LIU Yu-xin, WEI Shi-cheng, HE Dong-yu, WANG Yu-jiang, LIANG Yi and GUO Lei
  Abstract(11511)  View PDF(9215)
Corrosion Laws of Injection Pipe in Hafaya Oilfield
  CUI Ming-yue, WANG Qing-hua, WEN Ning-hua, LI Da-peng, ZOU Chun-mei, LI Hui-xin and ZHANG Lei
  Abstract(11650)  View PDF(9290)


Computing Method of Environment Equivalent Temperature Based on Arrhenius Equation for Missile Products
  ZHANG Shi-nian, YAN Shi-yuan, ZHANG Guo-bin, WU Xun and LIU-Chun-he
  Abstract(12285)  View PDF(9336)
Magnetic Cleanliness Control Methods of Seismo-electromagnetic Satellite
  XIAO Qi, LIU Sheng-li, MENG Li-fei and CHEN Jin-gang
  Abstract(11198)  View PDF(9276)
Thermal Resistance of Micro-channel Cold Plate Based on Structure Function Theory
  WENG Xia
  Abstract(11587)  View PDF(9279)
Identification and Control of Low Frequency Noise in Turbo Charging Station
  ZHANG Bo, LIANG Zi-xiao and YIN Ai-jun
  Abstract(11688)  View PDF(9094)


Environmental Effects of Shipborne Ammunitions in Tropical Marine Environment
  NI Zhen-ming, ZHAO Fang-chao, XIAO Yong, LUO Tian-yuan, JIANG Li and WANG Yan-yan
  Abstract(11222)  View PDF(9214)
Microwave Attenuation Characteristics in Charged Sand and Dust Medium Based on Mie Theory
  DONG Qun-feng, LI Lngi-le, LI Jun-jie and ZHANG Hui
  Abstract(11376)  View PDF(9199)
Numerical Analysis on Influences of Exhaust Emissions from Main Engine for Takeoff and Landing of Helicopter on Offshore Platform
  GAO Ming-zhi
  Abstract(11626)  View PDF(9223)