Volume 18,Issue 8,2021 Table of Contents

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  Abstract(1009)  View PDF(793)
  Abstract(959)  View PDF(567)
  Abstract(1065)  View PDF(611)


Study on the Aging Mechanism of Polyether Propellant under Temperature Cycle and Strain
  ZHAO Fang-chao, WEI Xiao-qin, LI Han, YIN Sheng-jie, LI Ze-hua, HUANG Wen-ming
  Abstract(1557)  View PDF(707)
Research on Thermal Modal Test Method of Rudder Structure
  WANG Yi, QIN Qiang, ZHAO Peng-fei, ZHANG Sheng-peng, WANG Gang
  Abstract(1813)  View PDF(703)
Study on Lightning Protection Standard Systems and Application of Weapon Equipment
  XIONG Xiu, LI Hong-jun
  Abstract(1958)  View PDF(916)
Optimization of Heating Test Method for Communication Command Cabin
  QIN Chao, WANG Yong-shun, ZHAO Bao-lu, XIAO Xiao-ming
  Abstract(1491)  View PDF(695)
Research on the Closed-loop Control Method of Equipment Environmental Adaptability
  LI Bing-wei, NIU Zhi-ling, ZHANG Zi-jun, YU Mu-chun, DING Chen
  Abstract(1520)  View PDF(673)


Prediction of Surface Temperature Change Trend of Electric Heating Anti-icing and De-icing Based on Machine Learning
  RAN Lin, XIONG Jian-jun, ZHAO Zhao, ZUO Cheng-lin, YI Xian
  Abstract(1849)  View PDF(705)
Study on Corrosion Control Strategy of Facilities and Equipment in Coastal Space Launch Site
  XING Wei, CHEN Qiang, CHANG Song, CHENG Gang, HUANG Ke
  Abstract(1245)  View PDF(658)
A Survey Analysis of Ambient Temperature Inside Electronic Pod
  BAO Sheng, HU Bo, CHU Xin, WANG Chao, YIN Ben-hao
  Abstract(1676)  View PDF(642)


Study on the Design Standards for Ergonomic Control Interface of Ship Control Panel
  WANG Chuan, RAN Ling-hua, XU Sheng-hang
  Abstract(1977)  View PDF(865)
Study on the Biological Fouling and Corrosion of Copper surface in Typical Sea Area
  WANG Li, LIN Cun-guo, SU Yan, DING Kang-kang, GUO Wei-min
  Abstract(1696)  View PDF(692)
Study on the Evolution of Mechanical Properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced Composite in Seawater Environment
  LI Jing, GE Guang-nan, JIA Peng-gang, ZHAO Peng, HOU Shi-pu
  Abstract(1909)  View PDF(678)
Corrosion Failure Analysis and Research on Control Measures of A Device in Marine Environment
  ZHANG Chun-cheng, ZHONG Lei, HOU Dong
  Abstract(1878)  View PDF(856)


Research on Bottleneck Equipment Identification Method in Production Scheduling of Energetic Materials Production System
  WANG Dong-lei, YAN Wen-tao, ZHANG Zhi-yu, YIN Ai-jun
  Abstract(1643)  View PDF(674)
Electrochemical Behavior of Cold Rolled 304 Stainless Steel in Dilute Sulfuric Acid Solution
  LAI Wei-ya, QIN Guo-min, DU Xiao-ying, FU An-qing
  Abstract(1488)  View PDF(703)
Effect of Circulating Flow of Plating Bath on Ni-SiC Composite Coating in Closed and Bath Recyclable Electroplating Device
  LI Lang, XIE Fa-qin, WU Xiang-qing, SONG Jia-lei
  Abstract(1466)  View PDF(687)
Effect of Hygrothermal Treatment on Fatigue Property of Cracked Aluminum Plate Repaired by Bonding Composite Patch
  DAI Jing-tao, SU Hong-bo, TAN Xiao-ming, WANG Yu-bo, ZHAO Pei-zhong
  Abstract(1515)  View PDF(633)
Study on Failure Behavior of Spiral Spring for Automotive Suspension System
  ZHANG Qiang-hong, CHEN Ke-zhong, FU Yang-fan, WANG Chang-peng, CHEN Da-jun, MEI Hua-sheng, LIU Zheng-tao, DAI Ye, CONG Da-long
  Abstract(1684)  View PDF(685)


Research Status of Submarine Air Pollutant and Development of Atmospheric Environment Monitoring and Control Technology
  XU Xin-hong, JIANG Lu, FANG Jing-jing, CHEN Hong, REN Xiao-meng, XU Lin-jun
  Abstract(2248)  View PDF(1349)
Inspection of FY-3 MWRI Sea Surface Temperature Products
  ZHANG Chun-hua, LI Song, LIU Hong-wei, LI Bing, SONG Jing-jing
  Abstract(1544)  View PDF(752)
Study on the Temporal and Spatial Variation of Ozone Pollution and its Causes in Anhui Province
  WANG Shui-bing, LIU Gui-jian, ZHANG Hong, HONG Xing-yuan, YANG Peng, CHEN Jian, WEI You-wen
  Abstract(1380)  View PDF(663)
Scientific Characterization of Military Extreme Environment Selection by U.S. Army
  WEN Bang-wei, ZHANG Kai, YUAN Yi, LIU Jun
  Abstract(1652)  View PDF(714)