The Status and Developing Trend of Foreign Troops Equipment Maintenance and the Enlightenment to Ammunition Maintenance of PLA
Received:June 08, 2014  Revised:July 18, 2014
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DOI:10. 7643 /issn. 1672-9242. 2014. 05. 013
KeyWord:ammunition maintenance  civil-military integration  whole-life support  informatization  two-level maintenance  green maintenance
CAO Hong-an Wuhan Ordnance N. C. O Academy of PLA, Wuhan , China
HUANG Peng-bo Wuhan Ordnance N. C. O Academy of PLA, Wuhan , China
XIE Quan-min Wuhan Ordnance N. C. O Academy of PLA, Wuhan , China
XIE Jun-lei Wuhan Ordnance N. C. O Academy of PLA, Wuhan , China
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      The article first introduced the status and developing trend of foreign troops equipment maintenance, and then introduced the existing ammunition maintenance problems of PLA, finally the article got some enlightenment to the development of ammunition maintenance and support. It was thought that the ammunition maintenance support should develop towards the direction of civil-military integration, the whole-life support should be implemented, the informatization level should be enhanced, the ammunition two-level maintenance system should be demonstrated, and the philosophy of green maintenance should be promoted.