International Peace-keeping Engineering Equipment Technical Management under Special Climate Environment Conditions
Received:November 30, 2014  Revised:February 15, 2015
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KeyWord:climate environment  international peace-keeping  engineering equipment  technical management
MA Yan The Second Institute of Engineering Corps of the General Armaments Department, Beijing , China
QUAN Wei Equipment Academy, Beijing , China
ZHOU Zhao-xia Engineering Academy, Xuzhou , China
WU Yue-hua 63963 Corps, Beijing , China
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      To analyze the requirements and maintenance measures of the international peace-keeping engineering equipment technical management under special climate environment conditions.Combining the actual situation of the climate environment characteristics of the area for peace-keeping and engineering equipment technical management, the effects of the special climate environment conditions such as high temperature, humidity, salt spray and desert sand on the engineering equipment during peace-keeping were systematically and deeply discussed in this paper. The requirements and maintenance measures of engineering equipment technical management were proposed. The requirements and maintenance measures of the international peace-keeping engineering equipment technical management under special climate environment conditions provide methods and reference for engineering equipment support of multi-area non-war military operations.