Vibration Test Requirements and Application Analysis of Civil Aircraft Equipment (I) Vibration Test Requirements of Civil Fixed-wing Aircraft Equipment in DO 160F/G
Received:March 28, 2016  Revised:August 15, 2016
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DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2016.04.009
KeyWord:civil aircraft  airborne equipment  vibration test
ZHU Yao-chang AVIC China Aero-polytechnology Establishment, Beijing , China
LI Yun Environmental Testing Center of XCET, Xi'an , China
XU Jun AVIC China Aero-polytechnology Establishment, Beijing , China
WANG Xing-hao AVIC China Aero-polytechnology Establishment, Beijing , China
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      The paper set forth the characteristics of the vibration environment of civil aircraft equipment and the classification of vibration tests. The vibration test requirements of various civil aircraft equipment in DO 160F/G were concluded and summarized, including vibration spectrum, magnitude and duration, and then were analyzed and explained accordingly, so as to facilitate the reference and application thereof. At last, the application of vibration test method for civil aircraft equipment was generalized. Vibration test requirements of civil fixed-wing aircraft equipment was described and classified according to the different sections of the equipment in the aircraft. The vibration test requirements of the equipment at each position were described in details by contrast; and the vibration test requirements of the airborne equipment of civil helicopters was presented.