Corrosion Behaviors of Several Kinds of Stainless Steel and Nickel in High Temperature Alkali Solutions
Received:August 19, 2016  Revised:January 15, 2017
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DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2017.01.003
KeyWord:stainless steel  nickel  high temperature alkali solution  corrosion
YIN Hua-min Materials Science and Engineering, College of Science, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan , China
LI Guo-ming Materials Science and Engineering, College of Science, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan , China
CHEN Shan Materials Science and Engineering, College of Science, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan , China
LIU Ya-qiang Materials Science and Engineering, College of Science, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan , China
MENG Ling-dong Materials Science and Engineering, College of Science, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan , China
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      To reduce severe corrosion of alkali production equipment in evaporation and concentration of alkali solution. Methods Static immersion, electrochemical static polarization measurement technology, optical microscope and scanning electron microscope were used for observation. Test methods such as XRD, XPS corrosion product analysis, etc. were used to analyze corrosion behaviors of several kinds of materials (26-1, 30-2, 18-8Ti and Ni) in high temperature and high concentration alkali solution. Results The corrosion resistance of 18-8Ti would increase if NaClO3 was added to 50%NaOH at 150 ℃. But the corrosion resistance was nickel decreased. The corrosion resistance of 26-1 and 30-2 would increase only if NaClO3 in alkali solution is proper (0.15%NaClO3 for example); otherwise, the corrosion resistance of 26-1 and 30-2 would decrease. Conclusion Adding Cl– increases corrosion resistance of nickel and 18-8Ti, and thus increases the corrosion resistance of 30-2. Compared with 18-8Ti, the corrosion resistance of 26-1 and 30-2 increases more apparently.