Assessment Methods for Influences of Atmospheric Neutron Single Event Effect (NSEE) on Airborne Electronic Equipment
Received:February 14, 2017  Revised:June 15, 2017
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DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2017.06.009
KeyWord:airborne electronic equipment  neutron single event effect  NSEE effect evaluation
CHEN Yu AVIC China Aero Polytechnology Establishment, Beijing , China
LI Ming AVIC China Aero Polytechnology Establishment, Beijing , China
ZHANG Feng AVIC The First Aircraft Design and Research Institute, Xi’an , China
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      The effect of neutron single event effect (NSEE) on airborne electronic equipment was investigated in the paper. Type and failure mode of device that is susceptive to NSEE and faults of typical airborne electronic equipment induced by NSEE equipment were defined. On this basis, assessment method and procedure of NSEE effect evaluation were proposed to have in-depth discussion on the purpose of NSEE effect evaluation as well as content, information input and output in evaluation.