Combat Equipment Consumption Prediction Based on Variable Precision Compatible Rough Set
Received:February 12, 2018  Revised:May 25, 2018
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DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2018.05.020
KeyWord:variable precision rough set  the compatible rough set  combat equipment  attribute reduction
CHEN Bo Department of Air Material Management, Air Force Logistics College, Xuzhou , China
XU Chang-kai Department of Air Material Management, Air Force Logistics College, Xuzhou , China
REN Jia-cheng Department of Air Material Management, Air Force Logistics College, Xuzhou , China
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      Objective To improve prediction accuracy, increase the ability of equipment support forces operating security and security level, to gain higher military economic benefit. Methods Variable precision rough set and rough set were combined to research characteristics of the actual task. For example, in-depth analysis of aviation in different environment, different regions, and different battle damage conditions such as mission of combat equipment quantity were carried out to reduce the mutual influence between the different factors data generated by the noise. Results When executing the duty of equipment support in wartime missions in the plateau, the desert, the combat equipment consumption was large; in case of equipment support in wartime missions in coastal areas, the combat equipment consumption was small; when performing the duty of equipment support in wartime in plain region, the small equipment consumption was tiny even negligible. In performing the duty of equipment support in plain area in wartime, the equipment consumption was high. Conclusion This method is helpful to enhance the prediction precision of wartime equipment, greatly saves equipment of logistics cost.