Corrosion Behavior of 35Cr2Ni4MoA Hard Chrome Plating Surface in Accelerated Corrosion Environment in Laboratory
Received:May 04, 2018  Revised:August 25, 2018
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DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2018.08.015
KeyWord:35Cr2Ni4MoA  corrosive environment  pitting corrosion  pit depth  pit area
ZHAO Lian-hong Structure Corrosion Protection and Control of Aviation Science and Technology Key Laboratory, China Special Vehicle Research Institute, Jingmen , China
LIU Cheng-chen Structure Corrosion Protection and Control of Aviation Science and Technology Key Laboratory, China Special Vehicle Research Institute, Jingmen , China
JIN Tao Structure Corrosion Protection and Control of Aviation Science and Technology Key Laboratory, China Special Vehicle Research Institute, Jingmen , China
HE Wei-ping Structure Corrosion Protection and Control of Aviation Science and Technology Key Laboratory, China Special Vehicle Research Institute, Jingmen , China
WANG Hao-wei Structure Corrosion Protection and Control of Aviation Science and Technology Key Laboratory, China Special Vehicle Research Institute, Jingmen , China
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      Objective To study corrosion behavior of 35Cr2Ni4MoA hard chrome plating surface. Methods Accelerated corrosion test of 35Cr2Ni4MoA material was carried out in laboratory of hot and humid environment and salt spray environment to analyze influences of corrosive environment on surface corrosion of 35Cr2Ni4MoA hard chrome plating surface. Accelerated corrosion test had a total of eight cycles. The surface corrosion of 35Cr2Ni4MoA material was described from depth of corrosion pits, area of corrosion and number of corrosion per unit area. Results The corrosion depth of 35Cr2Ni4MoA satisfied the power function relationship with time in the laboratory corrosion environment. The corrosion radius r of the corrosion pits satisfied the linear relationship with time. Pitting corrosion quantity was more and corrosion degree was light in the early stage of the experiment. Late in the experiment; the pitting corrosion was extended; the corrosion area was enlarged; the amount of corrosion was reduced and Corrosion was increased. Conclusion Improving of quality of materials surface treatment and reducing surface porosity of material can effectively improve corrosion protection of 35Cr2Ni4MoA materials.