Mounted Design and Test for Vibration Isolation of Airborne Equipment
Received:June 21, 2018  Revised:September 25, 2018
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DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2018.09.020
KeyWord:Typical U vibration spectrum  numerical analysis  isolation design
YANG Qiang AVIC Aircraft Strength Research Institute, Xi′an , China
SHI Yong-ning AVIC Aircraft Strength Research Institute, Xi′an , China
YANG Li AVIC Aircraft Strength Research Institute, Xi′an , China
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      Objective To improve anti-vibration performance of airborne equipment under the typical U vibration spectrum. Methods Numerical analysis was used to analyze isolation response and identify parameters of the isolation system. Stiffness and damping of the isolation system were designed according to the numerical results. At last, performance and service life of the vibration isolator was verified through test. Results The best nature frequency segment for vibration isolation design of specified typical U spectrum was 70 Hz-130 Hz. The load, stiffness and damping of each isolator were designed. Performance and durance of the vibration isolator was verified through test. Conclusion Performance and vibration durability of the designed isolation system can meet the requirements on anti-vibration performance and duration of airborne equipment and effectively improve the anti-vibration performance of airborne equipment in vibration spectrum.