Comparative Study on Accelerated Corrosion and Natural Exposure of Simulated Coated Specimen of Aircraft Structures
Received:December 24, 2019  Revised:January 24, 2020
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KeyWord:accelerated corrosion  natural exposure  fatigue life  gloss reduction  chromatic aberration grade
BIAN Gui-xue Qingdao Campus of Naval Aviation University, Qingdao , China
ZHANG Yang-guang Qingdao Campus of Naval Aviation University, Qingdao , China;Unit 32102 of PLA, Yantai , China
ZHANG Yong Qingdao Campus of Naval Aviation University, Qingdao , China
CHEN Yue-liang Qingdao Campus of Naval Aviation University, Qingdao , China
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      The paper aims to study the correlation between accelerated corrosion test and natural exposure test of an aircraft structural simulation test specimen. Accelerated corrosion tests in laboratory and natural exposure tests in outfield of Xisha, Hainan province were carried out on a simulated aircraft structure. The macro/micro morphology, gloss reduction, chromatic aberration grade and composition of corrosion products were taken as evaluation indexes to compare the corrosion damage of surface coatings for a long time. The fatigue life and fracture morphology of fatigue specimens with two cycles of accelerated corrosion test and two years of outdoor exposure were compared and analyzed. The change rule of chromatic aberration in two cycles of accelerated corrosion test was consistent with that in two years of natural exposure test, and the change grade after test was 2. The gloss change regularity of the test process was the same, and the grade of gloss reduction was 3 after accelerated corrosion test. It was 4 in outdoor exposure and 3 under roof. Topcoat peeling occurred at screw edges. The number of dimples and holes of fatigue fracture of 7B04 aluminium alloy specimens did not change significantly. When the significance was 0.05, the t-test value of fatigue life of the two groups was 1.6971, and there was no significant difference in fatigue life between the two groups. The corrosion degree of the topcoat of accelerated corrosion test specimens is between that of exposed test specimens in outdoor and under roof, which is consistent with the principle of accelerated environmental spectrum compiling. It further indicates the correctness of accelerated environmental spectrum. There is no significant difference in fatigue life, which indicates that accelerated corrosion test can properly simulate the impact of the actual working environment on the fatigue performance of aircraft specimens.