Equivalent Relationship of Aviation Coatings Gloss Loss between Natural Exposure and Accelerated Aging Test
Received:January 02, 2020  Revised:February 21, 2020
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KeyWord:equivalent relationship  gloss loss  aviation coatings
WANG De Qingdao Campus of Naval Aviation University, Qingdao , China
ZHANG Tai-feng Qingdao Campus of Naval Aviation University, Qingdao , China
YANG Xiao-hua Qingdao Campus of Naval Aviation University, Qingdao , China
KUAI You-zhu Unit 92853 of Navy, Huludao , China
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      The paper aims to study on equivalent acceleration relation of gloss loss of aviation coatings. Aiming at the gloss failure of aviation coatings on aircraft structures, natural exposure test and laboratory accelerated aging test were carried out to analyze the aging behavior law of coatings based on the failure criterion of gloss loss. Equivalent acceleration relationship between natural exposure conditions and laboratory acceleration conditions of aircraft coatings was established. The general trend of gloss loss of similar coatings under natural exposure test and accelerated aging test is basically the same. The accelerated aging equivalence function of two kinds of coatings can provide some reference for establishing the equivalent accelerated relationship between laboratory accelerated aging test and natural exposure test.