Theoretical Research for Predicting Crest Factor of Random Vibration Response
Received:July 03, 2020  Revised:August 06, 2020
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KeyWord:random vibration  crest factor  prediction theory  probability distribution  trigonometric series
ZHANG Yu-jie Strength Design and Research Department, AVIC The First Aircraft Institute, Xi’an , China
HUANG Chao-guang Strength Design and Research Department, AVIC The First Aircraft Institute, Xi’an , China
DUAN Li-hui Strength Design and Research Department, AVIC The First Aircraft Institute, Xi’an , China
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      The work aims to briefly introduce four common theories for predicting crest factor including exceeding probability theory, exceeding frequency theory, damage equivalent theory and time-domain fitting theory of power spectral density (PSD) and propose a new prediction theory based on trigonometric series. According to the acceleration data sample during flight test, exceeding frequency theory, time-domain fitting theory of PSD and trigonometric series theory were analyzed contrastively in order to evaluate their accuracy. The analysis results showed that the above four common theories belonged to statistics theory. The crest factors predicted by time-domain fitting theory of PSD fluctuated greatly and satisfied Gauss distribution as the number of normalization. The predicting accuracy of trigonometric series theory was better, but lacked reasonable criterion to determine the number of discrete peak values.