Fatigue Life Simulation and Reliability Analysis of Rapping Mechanism Swing Arm
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KeyWord:rapping mechanism  swing arm  S-N curve  fatigue simulation  life analysis  reliability
ZHANG Bo Nuclear Industry Physical and Chemical Engineering Research Institute, Tianjin , China
ZHAO Gang Nuclear Industry Physical and Chemical Engineering Research Institute, Tianjin , China
LI Yuan-kui Nuclear Industry Physical and Chemical Engineering Research Institute, Tianjin , China
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      The work aims to conduct simulation analysis of the fatigue life and the effect degree of key parameters for the swing arm of the rapping mechanism to obtain life distribution and reliability data of the swing arm, so as to check whether the design of the swing arm meets the requirements of use. The life simulation of the swing arm of the rapping mechanism was carried out based on the S-N curve. Dynamic simulation and stress simulation were carried out to obtain the relationship between the minimum life and the wall thickness of the swing arm at different temperature. Through simulation analysis on the effect degree of key parameters of life, life distribution and reliability data were obtained. When the wall thickness of the swing arm was greater than 1.77 mm, the average life of the swing arm was more than 1.44 million times, which met the product design requirements. Fatigue life was negatively correlated with elastic modulus E and positively correlated with tensile strength and surface finish coefficient. When the reliability R was 0.8, the reliable life of the swing arm was about 29 005 times; when the reliability R was 0.9, the reliable life of the swing arm was about 11 891 times. The wall thickness of the swing arm of the rapping mechanism should be greater than 1.77 mm. The surface quality coefficient of the swing arm should be greater than 0.827 3, the tensile strength of the material should be greater than 907.76 MPa, and the elastic modulus E should be less than 2.041×105 MPa.