Effect of Laser Surface Treatment on Bending Deformation and Notch Toughness of Industrial-grade Zr-based Bulk Metallic Glasses
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KeyWord:industrial-grade bulk metallic glass  laser surface treatment  bending deformation  fracture strength  notch toughness  high-strength lightweight materials
CHENG Yang-yang China Academy of Aerospace Science and Innovation, Beijing , China
ZHONG Yong Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing , China
JIA Yi China Academy of Aerospace Science and Innovation, Beijing , China
WANG Peng-fei China Academy of Aerospace Science and Innovation, Beijing , China
CHEN Chen Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou , China
ZHANG Tao Beihang University, Beijing , China
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      Considering that the positive effect of laser surface treatment (LSM) on the plasticity of bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) and the economy of selection on aeronautical materials, the work aims to study the effect of LSMs on the bending deformation and toughness of industrial-grade Zr49.7Ti2Cu37.8Al10Er0.5 BMGs. Industrial-grade Zr49.7Ti2Cu37.8Al10Er0.5 BMGs were obtained through low purity raw materials and low vacuum preparation conditions. Considering that the specimens were subjected to both tensile and compressive normal stress states under the bending condition, the effects of different treatment processes and different laser treated surfaces on the bending deformation and toughness of the specimens were studied. When the laser-treated surfaces were located on the two lateral surfaces of the bending specimen, it had no significant effect on the plastic deformation and fracture strength of the specimen, but it significantly reduced the notch toughness of the specimen from (56.4±3.4) MPa.m1/2 to (26.2±4.8) MPa.m1/2. When the laser-treated surface was located on the tensile side of the bending specimen, the bending fracture strength of the specimen decreased from 2 150 MPa to 1 800 MPa. When the laser-treated surface was located on the compressive side of the bending specimen, the bending fracture strength of the specimen increased from 2 150 MPa to 2 550 MPa, but there was no significant effect on its notch toughness. The effects of the compositional changes and residual stress induced by LSM for the industrial-grade Zr49.7Ti2Cu37.8Al10Er0.5 BMGs on the bending mechanical behavior and notch toughness are closely related to the stress state. The positive coupling of the residual stress and the external loading stress can amplify the effect of external loading stresses. Meanwhile, the compositional differences between the surface and the central part may appear as stress concentration points, thus leading to the formation of crack sources and reducing the fracture strength of the specimen.