Honeycomb Sandwich Structure and Its Application in Helicopter Noise Control
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KeyWord:honeycomb sandwich structure  porous sound absorption  resonant sound absorption  single-degree-of-freedom  multi-degree-of-freedom  helicopter  passive noise control
ZHANG Ti-lei Harbin Regional Aviation Military Office, Harbin , China
LI Rui Harbin Regional Aviation Military Office, Harbin , China
DONG Ling-shu Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing , China
LI Zhong-sheng Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing , China
HUANG An-wei Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing , China
SUN Cai-yun Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing , China
CONG Da-long Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing , China
WU Yong-peng Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing , China
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      The work aims to introduce the traditional honeycomb sandwich structure, which is composed of honeycomb core material coupled panel/film and has excellent noise reduction characteristics. In order to further improve the noise reduction performance of the honeycomb sandwich structure, the porous sound absorption materials was filled into the honeycomb core combined with the principle of porous sound absorption and the concept of "integration of sound absorption/insulation structure function", forming a honeycomb sandwich structure based on porous sound absorption, but the noise reduction performance at middle and low frequencies was poor. Combined with the micro-perforated plate and Helmholtz resonance theory, the single-degree-of-freedom honeycomb sandwich structure based on resonant sound absorption was developed, which was composed of honeycomb core material coupled with the perforated panel/film, and improved the noise reduction characteristics at medium and low frequencies. However, the noise reduction frequency band was still too narrow, which could only show good noise reduction characteristics within a certain frequency range. Therefore, the multi-degree-of-freedom honeycomb sandwich structure based on resonant sound absorption was developed. The perforated panels/films of each layer and the characteristics of honeycomb structure were used to achieve noise control at different frequencies. The application of honeycomb sandwich structure in passive noise control of helicopters in China and abroad is summarized, and the development trend of new honeycomb sandwich structure is prospected.