Fatigue Performance Improvement of X80 Pipeline Steel Girth Weld Joints by Ultrasonic Impact Treatment
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KeyWord:X80 pipeline steel  ultrasonic impact treatment  fatigue life  girth weld joint  residual stress  fatigue test  S-N curve
ZHANG Yan-fang Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd., Tianjin , China
WANG Dong-po School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin , China
DONG Lei-lei School of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian , China
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      The work aims to verify the effect of ultrasonic impact treatment (UIT) on the fatigue performance of X80 steel pipe girth weld joints. To this end, fatigue tests with and without UIT for GMAW automatic girth welds of X80 pipeline steel were performed. The test data were processed following IIW’s recommendations, and the results were compared. The test results showed that:stable control of welding defects such as microscopic lack of fusion in the weld root area of the pipeline’s inner wall was one of the key life-extension methods to ensure that the X80 pipeline steel girth weld had an excellent fatigue performance; The adopted fatigue test method for welded joints with the maximum stress being the yield strength combined with small-sized but full-thickness specimens can replace the fatigue test of full-scale or real-scale specimens, and was also suitable for evaluating the fatigue performance of ultrasonic impact treated welded joints; With a strict control of error variables, the GMAW girth welds of X80 pipeline steel could meet the requirements of level-D design curve of the BS7608 guide. Based on this study, it’s concluded that the UIT technique can significantly improve the fatigue performance of X80 pipeline steel ring seam joints, with the fatigue life extended by about 4 to 10 times.