Current Situation and Thinking of Environmental Test of Weapons and Equipment
Received:April 03, 2024  Revised:May 16, 2024
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KeyWord:natural environment test  simulated environmental test  weapon  testing ground  actual combat  extreme climate
HU Jie Norinco Group Test and Measuring Academy, Shaanxi Huayin , China
CAO Peng Norinco Group Test and Measuring Academy, Shaanxi Huayin , China
MA Ying Norinco Group Test and Measuring Academy, Shaanxi Huayin , China
CHENG Yulong Norinco Group Test and Measuring Academy, Shaanxi Huayin , China
QU Yutong Norinco Group Test and Measuring Academy, Shaanxi Huayin , China
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      The definition and classification of environmental tests of weapons and equipment are introduced. The advantages and disadvantages of natural environment tests and simulated environment tests are compared. To a certain extent, the two environmental tests ensure that the weapons and equipment meet the assessment requirements under the conditions close to actual combat. With the variability, complexity and frequent occurrence of extreme weather, the single-factor or two-factor simulation environment can no longer meet the requirements of actual combat. The development status and testing ability of natural environment test sites and simulated environment test sites at home and abroad are analyzed. In order to improve the survivability of weapons and equipment on the battlefield in the future, the author puts forward three suggestions:First, a comprehensive environmental impact assessment system should be established under the condition of multi-parameter coupling of weapons and equipment; Second, there is an urgent need to carry out research on low-cost and non-destructive digital environmental test technology; Third, the construction of weapons and equipment field environment test sites close to actual combat needs should be accelerated.