Detection and Impact of Chloride Ion Deposition Rate in the Atmosphere at the Coast of Hangzhou Bay
Received:February 22, 2024  Revised:March 18, 2024
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KeyWord:chlorine ion deposition rate  coast of Hangzhou Bay  chloride ion content in concrete  wind direction  rainfall  marine corrosion
WANG Jianle CNNP Nuclear Power Operations Management Co., Ltd.,, Zhejiang Jiaxing , China
JIANG Dafei CNNP Nuclear Power Operations Management Co., Ltd.,, Zhejiang Jiaxing , China
LI Guojie CNNP Nuclear Power Operations Management Co., Ltd.,, Zhejiang Jiaxing , China
XU Qiang Ocean Academy, Zhejiang University, Zhejiang Zhoushan , China
ZHAO Guodong CNNP Nuclear Power Operations Management Co., Ltd.,, Zhejiang Jiaxing , China
ZHANG Ziwei CNNP Nuclear Power Operations Management Co., Ltd.,, Zhejiang Jiaxing , China
CHENG Wanli CNNP Nuclear Power Operations Management Co., Ltd.,, Zhejiang Jiaxing , China
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      The work aims to investigate the corrosion level of construction facilities at the coast of Hangzhou Bay. Three coastal points were selected for one-year detection of the chloride ion deposition rate, and the effects of season, wind direction, orientation and rainfall on the deposition rate of chloride ions were analyzed. The average annual chloride deposition rate at the three detection points exceeded mg/(m2×d). Due to factors such as orientation and surrounding space, point B was most heavily affected by the atmosphere of the eastern ocean throughout the year, and the chloride ion deposition rate was the highest throughout the year. Among them, the chloride ion deposition rate in July was close to chloride deposition rate monitored 350 m away from the coastline in the Middle East of Hainan Province. Since the rainfall in June increased by 2.3 times compared to that in May, the chloride ion deposition rate at point B decreased by 51% in June compared to that in May. The chloride ion content in concrete of more than 15 years was generally high, showing typical marine corrosion characteristics. The atmosphere at the coast of Hangzhou Bay conforms to the characteristics of marine corrosion environment and is affected by factors such as season, wind direction, orientation, and rainfall.