Accelerated Corrosion Behavior and Mechanism of Typical Material for Equipment by Cyclic Salt-Spray Test
Received:April 18, 2024  Revised:May 24, 2024
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KeyWord:cyclic salt-spray test  carbon steel  corrosion weight loss  corrosion morphology  electrochemical test  corrosion behavior and mechanism
ZHAO Pengfei Aerospace Science & Industry Corp Defense Technology R&T Center, Beijing , China
GUO Wenying Aerospace Science & Industry Corp Defense Technology R&T Center, Beijing , China
WEN Lei University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing , China
WU Junsheng University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing , China
WEI Xiaoqin Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing , China
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      The work aims to study the accelerated corrosion behavior and mechanism of typical materials for equipment under the cyclic salt-spray test conditions, and establish test methods for analyzing and characterizing the corrosive properties of carbon steel. Cyclic salt-spray accelerated corrosion tests were performed to simulate the corrosion effect and action process characteristics of marine atmospheric environment. By such instruments as SEM, XRD, electrochemical measurement etc., the corrosive properties of specimens with different exposure time, such as corrosion weight loss, corrosion morphology, corrosion product composition, corrosion potential, corrosion current density, impedance were characterized and analyzed and the accelerated corrosion behavior and mechanism of carbon steel were summarized. The corrosion weight loss of the carbon steel specimen conformed to the power function law, the corrosion rate increased and then decreased. The corrosion product was a quasi-bilayer structure consisting of a loose outer layer and a relatively dense inner layer, which presented a variation from loosening and falling off to thickening and becoming dense gradually. The chemical constituents of corrosion products mainly contained oxides and oxyhydroxides of Fe. Corrosion current density fitted with polarization curves showed the variation trend of rising in fluctuation and then descending, and the corrosion potential fluctuated up and down around the central value. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was composed of two capacitive loops and the low and intermediate area of capacitive loops showed a straight line, which represented typical characteristics of Warburg impedance. The corrosion behavior and mechanism of carbon steel can be characterized more comprehensively by cyclic salt-spray accelerated corrosion test, which provides conditions for investigating correlation between indoor and outdoor corrosion tests of typical materials for equipment.