Analysis Method for Complex Electromagnetic Environment of Attitude-orbit Control Engine
Received:April 23, 2024  Revised:May 14, 2024
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KeyWord:solid attitude-orbit control engine  complex electromagnetic environment  electromagnetic effects  electromagnetic sensitivity properties  layered analysis  coupled interference matrix
LIU Gelin The 210th Institute of the Sixth Academy of CASIC, Xi′an , China
ZHAO Rong The 210th Institute of the Sixth Academy of CASIC, Xi′an , China
TIAN Ye The 210th Institute of the Sixth Academy of CASIC, Xi′an , China
XIE Ming Office of the Eighth Military Representative of the Air Force in the Xi′an Area, Xi′an , China
ZHANG Dong The 210th Institute of the Sixth Academy of CASIC, Xi′an , China
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      The work aims to develop analysis methods for analyzing complex electromagnetic environment electromagnetic effects in different scenes of the attitude-orbit control engine construction. By decomposing the complex model of the attitude-orbit control engine layer by layer, electromagnetic sensitivity models were established based on the electromagnetic sensitive characteristics of each component-level model. Analysis was conducted from the system level, the complete machine level, the component level, the PCB board level to the device level to analyze the complex environment faced by the attitude-orbit control engine, and conduct layered analysis research on the electromagnetic characteristics of the attitude-orbit control engine. The electromagnetic environment scenarios faced by the attitude-orbit control engine were classified and divided into three main scenarios:ready-to-launch, mid-flight, and terminal engagement with the enemy. The interference sources under these three types of scenarios were classified, and the electromagnetic interference sources and sensitive bodies as well as the electromagnetic coupling interference matrix of the attitude-orbit control engine under the complex electromagnetic environments were identified. This study provides guidance for the stability and reliability research of the attitude-orbit control engine in complex electromagnetic environments, laying a solid foundation for further electromagnetic characteristics simulation and validation research.