Vibration Characteristics of Marine Gearbox Base
Received:March 21, 2024  Revised:June 12, 2024
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KeyWord:modal analysis  mechanical impedance  finite element dynamics calculation  gearbox base  vibration test  frequency response analysis
LIU Zhen Chongqing Gearbox Co., Ltd., Chongqing , China
YE Hui Chongqing Gearbox Co., Ltd., Chongqing , China
CHEN Xuehua School of Intelligent Manufacturing and Automobile, Chongqing Open University, Chongqing , China
YAN Xuhui Chongqing Gearbox Co., Ltd., Chongqing , China
JIA Longkai Chongqing Gearbox Co., Ltd., Chongqing , China
FENG Fushun Chongqing Gearbox Co., Ltd., Chongqing , China
ZHAO Haitao Chongqing Gearbox Co., Ltd., Chongqing , China
TENG Debin Chongqing Gearbox Co., Ltd., Chongqing , China
ZENG Zhaoyong Chongqing Gearbox Co., Ltd., Chongqing , China
LIU Yufeng Chongqing Gearbox Co., Ltd., Chongqing , China
CHEN Jie Chongqing Gearbox Co., Ltd., Chongqing , China
CHEN Xi Chongqing Gearbox Co., Ltd., Chongqing , China
MOU Pei Chongqing Gearbox Co., Ltd., Chongqing , China
SONG Jinpeng Chongqing Gearbox Co., Ltd., Chongqing , China
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      The work aims to analyze the vibration characteristics of marine gearbox bases to ensure the design requirements of vibration noise of marine gearboxes under different test conditions.Firstly, the modal analysis of marine gearbox bases was carried out to analyze the ratio of effective mass to total mass under different orders of gearbox bases. At the same time, the modes with the maximum effective mass and participation coefficient under different directions were extracted for analysis. Then the vibration response of a certain type of marine gearbox bases was calculated according to the complete method of frequency response calculation, and the results of three points were extracted for a finite element analysis. The mechanical impedance of three measuring points of a certain type of marine gearbox bases was measured by hammer method.Through effective mass analysis, the main modes in the first 1 000 orders were extracted. The modal analysis found that the structural response in most regions of the gearbox base was almost zero. The modes of order 20, 923, 131, 162 and 10 were the same local modes, and the modes of order 23 and 131 showed translational and torsional modes. The results of finite element frequency response calculation showed that the impedance value of finite element calculation was more stable in low frequency band. As the frequency increased, the impedance value gradually decreased, and the difference between the logarithmic mean of the test value and the reference value reached a maximum of 11.46 dB. The maximum difference between the logarithmic mean of the calculated value and the reference value was 10.3 dB and gradually approached 100 dB. The difference between the logarithmic average of the calculated value and the logarithmic average of the tested value was about 2 dB. It is found that the calculated value is close to the reference value. Most of the difference between the reference value and the reference value is within 10 dB. The calculated value is close to the test value, which can be used as the basis for the vibration and noise design of marine gearbox bases. It lays a solid foundation for the optimization design of various types of marine gearbox bases, and greatly improves the technical level of digital drive design.