武晨阳,郭巧琴,杨忠,齐源昊.火炮身管材料表面TiAlYN镀层组织及摩擦行为研究[J].装备环境工程,2025,22(1):21-30. WU Chenyang,GUO Qiaoqin,YANG Zhong,QI Yuanhao.Microstructure and Friction Behavior of TiAlYN Coating on the Surface of Gun Barrel[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2025,22(1):21-30.
Microstructure and Friction Behavior of TiAlYN Coating on the Surface of Gun Barrel
投稿时间:2024-10-28  修订日期:2024-12-11
中文关键词:  火炮身管  物理气相沉积  磁控溅射  多弧离子镀  气体流量  TiAlYN涂层  摩擦行为中图分类号:TJ301 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2025)01-0021-10
英文关键词:gun barrel  physical vapor deposition  magnetron sputtering  multi-arc ion plating  gas flow  TiAlYNcoating  friction behavior
武晨阳 西安工业大学材料与化工学院,西安 710021 
郭巧琴 西安工业大学材料与化工学院,西安 710021 
杨忠 西安工业大学材料与化工学院,西安 710021 
齐源昊 西安工业大学材料与化工学院,西安 710021 
WU Chenyang School of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Xi'an Technological University, Xi'an 710021, China 
GUO Qiaoqin School of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Xi'an Technological University, Xi'an 710021, China 
YANG Zhong School of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Xi'an Technological University, Xi'an 710021, China 
QI Yuanhao School of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Xi'an Technological University, Xi'an 710021, China 
      目的 针对火炮身管内膛磨损严重的问题,采用物理气相沉积技术进行涂层制备,延长身管服役寿命。方法 采用磁控溅射/多弧离子镀复合处理工艺,通过改变氮气与氩气流量比,在身管材料表面制备TiAlYN涂层,研究Y元素含量对涂层组织及性能的影响。分别用SEM、EDS、XRD对涂层的微观结构、元素含量和物相成分进行表征。利用白光干涉仪和划痕仪分析涂层的三维形貌与膜基结合力,采用摩擦磨损试验机对涂层的摩擦行为进行研究。结果 随着Y元素含量的增加,涂层晶粒逐渐细化,致密度增加,无孔洞缺陷和柱状生长情况。涂层中AlN(200)晶面有明显的择优生长趋势,表现为面心立方结构。随着腔室内氩气流量比例的升高,膜基结合力最大值为54 N。当N2︰Ar流量比为40︰60时,涂层摩擦因数达到最小值0.4,磨损机制以磨粒磨损和氧化磨损为主。结论 Y元素的细晶强化作用提高了涂层质量,改善了涂层与基体的结合强度。涂层中形成的Y2O3相提升了涂层的抗磨损性能,TiAlYN涂层为火炮身管耐磨延寿提供了理论及实践基础。
      Aiming at the problem of serious wear and tear of the inner chamber of the gun barrel, the work aims to adopt physical vapor deposition for coating preparation to extend the service life of the gun barrel. The TiAlYN coating was prepared on the gun barrel substrate by changing the flow ratio of nitrogen to argon through magnetron sputtering/multi-arc ion plating. The effects of different Y contents on the microstructure and friction behavior of the coating were investigated. The microstructure, element content and phase composition of the coating were characterized by SEM, EDS and XRD. The three-dimensional morphologies and bonding force of the coating were analyzed by white light interferometer and scratch meter, and the friction behavior of the coating was studied by friction and wear testing machine. With the increase of Y content, the grain of the coating was gradually refined, the density increased, and there was no hole defect and columnar growth. The (200) crystal surface had an obvious preferential growth trend, showing a face-centered cubic structure. With the increase of argon flow ratio in the chamber, the maximum bonding force was 54 N. When the flow ratio of N2:Ar was 40:60, the friction coefficient of the coating reached the minimum value 0.4, and the wear mechanism was mainly abrasive wear and oxidation wear. The fine grain strengthening of Y element improves the coating quality and the bonding strength between the coating and the substrate. The Y2O3 phase formed in the coating improves the wear resistance of the coating, and the TiAlYN coating provides a theoretical and practical basis for the wear resistance and life extension of gun barrels.
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