孙伟,赵玮,于舒涵,牟昱,胡始弘,俞佳妮,张大勇.碳纤维复合材料与极地环境因素交互关系研究[J].装备环境工程,2025,22(1):133-143. SUN Wei,ZHAO Wei,YU Shuhan,MU Yu,HU Shihong,YU Jiani,ZHANG Dayong.Interaction between Carbon Fiber Composites and Polar Environmental Factors[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2025,22(1):133-143. |
碳纤维复合材料与极地环境因素交互关系研究 |
Interaction between Carbon Fiber Composites and Polar Environmental Factors |
投稿时间:2024-11-07 修订日期:2024-12-06 |
DOI:10.7643/issn.1672-9242.2025.01.014 |
中文关键词: 碳纤维复合材料 正交试验 极地环境 可靠性试验 响应面分析 交互关系 静态力学性能中图分类号:TB332 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2025)01-0133-11 |
英文关键词:s of the 3rd China International Composite Technology Conference. Harbin:Harbin Institute of Technology, 2017. |
基金项目:高技术船舶科研项目(CNG2N21-2-2) |
Author | Institution |
SUN Wei | School of Chemical Engineering Ocean and Life Science, Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning Panjin 124221, China |
ZHAO Wei | School of Chemical Engineering Ocean and Life Science, Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning Panjin 124221, China |
YU Shuhan | School of Chemical Engineering Ocean and Life Science, Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning Panjin 124221, China |
MU Yu | School of Chemical Engineering Ocean and Life Science, Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning Panjin 124221, China |
HU Shihong | Marine Design and Research Institute of China, Shanghai 200021, China |
YU Jiani | Marine Design and Research Institute of China, Shanghai 200021, China |
ZHANG Dayong | School of Chemical Engineering Ocean and Life Science, Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning Panjin 124221, China |
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目的 揭示低温环境对碳纤维复合材料静态力学性能的影响,探讨极地环境因素的交互关系及其性能敏感性。方法 采用正交试验设计,并通过极值与方差分析法探究各因素对材料性能影响的显著性与主次顺序。基于响应面法,建立力学性能指标与各环境因素间的二次回归模型,分析各因素之间的交互作用。结果 碳纤维复合材料的硬度、抗拉强度和弹性模量对环境因素的敏感性存在差异。材料硬度和抗拉强度主要受辐照影响,其次为温度和覆冰厚度;弹性模量则受温度影响显著。响应面分析结果表明,温度、覆冰厚度与辐照之间存在明显的交互效应,尤其是对抗拉强度和弹性模量的影响更为显著,而对硬度的交互影响较弱。结论 碳纤维复合材料在极地环境下表现出良好的稳定性与环境适应性,该研究将为碳纤维复合材料的极地应用提供一定的数据支持与理论基础。 |
英文摘要: |
The work aims to reveal the effects of low-temperature environments on the static mechanical properties of carbon fiber composites and to explore the interplay of polar environmental factors and their sensitivity to material performance. Using an orthogonal experimental design, extreme value and variance analyses were employed to determine the significance and hierarchy of each factor's impact on material properties. A quadratic regression model was developed through response surface methodology to capture the relationships between mechanical performance indicators and environmental variables, so as to have an in-depth analysis of factor interactions. The hardness, tensile strength, and elastic modulus of carbon fiber composites exhibited varying sensitivities to environmental factors. Hardness and tensile strength were primarily affected by radiation, followed by temperature and ice thickness; while elastic modulus was particularly sensitive to temperature.The response surface analysis revealed significant interaction effects among temperature, ice thickness, and radiation, notably influencing tensile strength and elastic modulus, with a weak effect on hardness. Overall, carbon fiber composites demonstrate strong stability and environmental adaptability in polar conditions, providing essential data and theoretical support for their application in these extreme environments. |
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