牛跃听,穆希辉,杨振海.自然贮存环境下某型控制舱贮存寿命评估[J].装备环境工程,,():. NIU Yue-ting,MU Xi-hui,YANG Zhen-hai.Storage Life Assessment for A Certain Type of Control Cabin Accelerometer in Natural Storage Environment[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,,():.
Storage Life Assessment for A Certain Type of Control Cabin Accelerometer in Natural Storage Environment
投稿时间:2014-03-05  修订日期:2014-03-15
中文关键词:  控制舱  自然贮存  贮存寿命  评估
英文关键词:control cabin  natural storage  storage life  assessment
牛跃听 总装备部军械技术研究所,石家庄 050000 
穆希辉 总装备部军械技术研究所,石家庄 050000 
杨振海 北京工业大学,北京 100022 
NIU Yue-ting General Armament Ordnance Technology Institute,Shijiazhuang 050000,China 
MU Xi-hui General Armament Ordnance Technology Institute,Shijiazhuang 050000,China 
YANG Zhen-hai Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100022,China 
      目的 评估自然贮存环境下某型控制舱贮存寿命。方法 针对历年统计的控制舱的成败型、不完全故障数据,假设其服从指数分布族、Weibull分布族、极值分布族、对数正态分布族,结合工程实际处理异常数据、“倒挂”数据,采用极小x2估计对分布函数的参数进行估计,采用极小x2检验对各分布函数的合理性进行了验证,计算了“服从不同自由度下的x2分布随机变量”检验的拟合优度。结果 得到了控制舱贮存可靠性分布函数。结论 通过统计的故障数据,验证了所提出的数学模型评估方法的适用性和正确性,得到了在置信度为0.90、可靠度为0.95条件下控制舱的自然贮存寿命。
      Objective To assess the storage life of a certain type of control cabin accelerometer in natural storage environment. Methods The historical statistics of the accelerometer's success or failure and incomplete failure data was investigated, assuming it was subject to exponential distribution, Weibull distribution, extreme value distribution and logarithmic normal distribution, in combination with the engineering data handling exceptions and "upside down" data, minimum x2 estimation was used to estimate the parameters of the distribution function, minimal x2 test was used to verify the rationality of the distribution function, and the goodness of fit of the "obeying distributed random variables under different degrees of freedom x2" test was calculated. Results Reliability distribution function for accelerometer storage was obtained. Conclusion Through statistics of the fault data, the applicability and validity of the proposed mathematical model assessment methods were verified and the natural storage life of accelerometer was obtained with confidence and reliability of 0.90 and 0.95, respectively.
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