尹春雷,李双,杨学印,霍懿,祝明昊.某型号运载火箭发射场模态试验技术[J].装备环境工程,2024,21(10):79-86. YIN Chunlei,LI Shuang,YANG Xueyin,HUO Yi,ZHU Minghao.Modal Test Technology of a Certain Launch Vehicle at the Firing Range[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2024,21(10):79-86.
Modal Test Technology of a Certain Launch Vehicle at the Firing Range
投稿时间:2024-03-22  修订日期:2024-05-31
中文关键词:  运载火箭  发射场  仿真计算  模态试验  多点全相干激励  振型斜率中图分类号:V416.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2024)10-0079-08
英文关键词:launchvehicle  firing range  simulation calculation  modal test  multi-point fully coherent excitation  mode slope
尹春雷 北京强度环境研究所,北京 100076 
李双 北京强度环境研究所,北京 100076 
杨学印 北京强度环境研究所,北京 100076 
霍懿 北京强度环境研究所,北京 100076 
祝明昊 北京强度环境研究所,北京 100076 
YIN Chunlei Beijing Institute of Structure and Environment Engineering, Beijing 100076, China 
LI Shuang Beijing Institute of Structure and Environment Engineering, Beijing 100076, China 
YANG Xueyin Beijing Institute of Structure and Environment Engineering, Beijing 100076, China 
HUO Yi Beijing Institute of Structure and Environment Engineering, Beijing 100076, China 
ZHU Minghao Beijing Institute of Structure and Environment Engineering, Beijing 100076, China 
      目的 在取消传统的自由-自由状态全箭模态试验的前提下,通过发射场自由-固支状态模态试验获取某型号运载火箭的模态参数,为火箭总体设计提供依据。方法 基于成熟型号相同部段的仿真模型和模态试验数据基础,建立高精度的全箭三维动力学模型,预示结构模态参数,为发射场模态试验的激励方案和测量方案等提供指导。通过多点全相干步进正弦激励模态试验方法,运用测试得到的“伪频响函数”进行参数识别,从而获取结构的模态参数。结果 获得了发射场竖立状态下全箭前4阶弯曲模态和1阶扭转模态,基于“伪频响函数”的识别结果与真实频响函数的识别结果频率最大偏差为0.82%,阻尼比最大偏差为1.89%。结论 某型号运载火箭的发射场模态试验为火箭总体设计提供了关键参数,型号首飞成功验证了该技术的可靠性,也为获取火箭模态参数开辟了一条新的路径。
      On the premise of canceling the traditional free-free whole launch vehicle modal test, the work aims to obtain the modal parameters of a certain launch vehicle through the free-clamped modal test at the firing range to provide evidence for the overall design of the launch vehicle. Based on the simulation model and modal test data of the same sections of mature models, a high-precision three-dimensional dynamic model of the whole launch vehicle was established to predict structural modal parameters, providing guidance for the excitation scheme and measurement scheme of the modal test at the firing range. Through the multi-point fully coherent step-by-step sinusoidal excitation modal test, the "pseudo-frequency response function" obtained from the test was used for parameter identification to obtain the modal parameters of the structure. The first four bending modes and the first torsional mode of the whole launch vehicleerected at the firing range were obtained. The maximum deviation of frequency between the identification results based on the "pseudo-frequency response function" and the real frequency response function was 0.82%, and the maximum deviation of damping ratio was 1.89%. The modal test at the firing range of a certain launch vehicle provides key parameters for the overall design of the launch vehicle. The successful maiden flight of the launch vehicle verifies the reliability of the technology and also opens a new path for obtaining the modal parameters of the launch vehicle.
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