Zinc Corrosion Behavior in Simulated Industrial Atmospheric Environment
Received:May 08, 2015  Revised:August 15, 2015
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KeyWord:zinc  atmospheric corrosion  electrochemistry  microscopic analysis  corrosion mechanism
ZHU Zhi-ping Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha , China
ZUO Xian-di Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha , China
YIN Zhao-hui Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha , China
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      Objective To study the characteristics of zinc corrosion on different time in SO2 environment. Methods Using the indoor accelerated test method, the accelerated corrosion experiment in simulated industrial atmospheric environment was carried out by filling 25 mg/L SO2 to the atmospheric accelerated corrosion box. Then mass weight measurement and electrochemical test were conducted for the corroded metal material. XRD and SEM were used to characterize the zinc corrosion products, observe the corrosion morphology and study the characteristics of corrosion. Results The corrosion rate of zinc in the SO2 environment increased in the early stages of corrosion, and decreased gradually in the late stage. The 1/Rct value first increased and then decreased. The elements in the corrosion products of zinc included Zn, O and a small amount of S, and the main product was Zn4SO4(OH)6. Conclusion In the early stage, the corrosion product formed on the zinc surface was loose, and SO2 could pass the product and arrive at the matrix to promote the corrosion, leaving the matrix unprotected. In the late stage, the increased and compact products decreased the probability for the contact of SO2 with the matrix, leading to reduced corrosion rates.