Seawater Corrosion Behavior of Welding Joints of Steels for Marine Applications
Received:April 30, 2015  Revised:August 15, 2015
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KeyWord:steel  welding joint  seawater  corrosion
HUANG Gui-qiao 1. Qingdao NCS Testing & Corrosion Protection Technology Co., Ltd, Qingdao , China;2. Qingdao Research Institute for Marine Corrosion, Qingdao , China
HAN Bing 1. Qingdao NCS Testing & Corrosion Protection Technology Co., Ltd, Qingdao , China;2. Qingdao Research Institute for Marine Corrosion, Qingdao , China
YANG Hai-yang 1. Qingdao NCS Testing & Corrosion Protection Technology Co., Ltd, Qingdao , China;2. Qingdao Research Institute for Marine Corrosion, Qingdao , China
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      Objective To investigate the seawater corrosion behavior of welding joints of steels for marine application. Methods The methods including exposure tests, galvanic corrosion tests and potential measurements were carried out for the study. Results Seawater corrosion results of welding joints of steels for marine application were obtained. Conclusion Corrosion grooves were easily occurred in the fusion zone of welding joints. Corrosion behavior of certain welding joint of the steels is same among full immersion zone, tidal zone and splash zone; the order of localized corrosion degree of is full immersion zone> tidal zone> splash zone. Results of galvanic corrosion tests of weld metal-base metal are consistent well to the exposure tests of the welding joints in seawater.