Application of the Vapor Phase Corrosion Inhibitor in the Electrical Equipment Corrosion
Received:June 25, 2015  Revised:August 15, 2015
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KeyWord:new vapor phase corrosion inhibitor  electrical equipment  electrical equipment anticorrosion
RUAN Hong-mei State Key Laboratory of Environmental Adaptability for Industrial Products, China National Electric Apparatus Research Institute Co., Ltd, Guangzhou , China
WU Kun-pei 1. State Key Laboratory of Environmental Adaptability for Industrial Products, China National Electric Apparatus Research Institute Co., Ltd, Guangzhou , China; 2. Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou ,China
WANG Jun State Key Laboratory of Environmental Adaptability for Industrial Products, China National Electric Apparatus Research Institute Co., Ltd, Guangzhou , China
CHEN Chuan State Key Laboratory of Environmental Adaptability for Industrial Products, China National Electric Apparatus Research Institute Co., Ltd, Guangzhou , China
HUANG Hai-jun State Key Laboratory of Environmental Adaptability for Industrial Products, China National Electric Apparatus Research Institute Co., Ltd, Guangzhou , China
LUO Han-ying 1. State Key Laboratory of Environmental Adaptability for Industrial Products, China National Electric Apparatus Research Institute Co., Ltd, Guangzhou , China;2. Vkan Certification & Testing Co., Ltd, Guangzhou , China
JIE Gan-xin State Key Laboratory of Environmental Adaptability for Industrial Products, China National Electric Apparatus Research Institute Co., Ltd, Guangzhou , China
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      Objective To Study the protective effect of a new vapor phase corrosion inhibitor and its influence on the performance of electrical equipment, and to solve the problem of corrosion protection in the service process of electrical equipment. Methods The protective effect of the new vapor phase corrosion inhibitor on electric equipment was analyzed by salt spray test technology. The influence of the new vapor phase corrosion inhibitor on the electrical performance of the equipment was tested by measuring the insulation resistance, dielectric constant, capacitance, surface and volume resistance, resistance and high breakdown voltage. Results After 240 h of neutral salt spray test, the electrical equipment without the protection of the new vapor phase corrosion inhibitor was seriously rusted, while the electrical equipment with the protection of the new vapor phase corrosion inhibitor showed relatively weak corrosion. After 720 h exposure to the new vapor phase corrosion inhibitor, the circuit board materials epoxy resin plate, electrical components and electrical equipment showed basically no change in their electrical performance. At the same time, the normal operation of the electrical equipment was not influenced. Conclusion The new vapor phase corrosion inhibitor had relatively good protective effect on the electrical equipment, meanwhile, it did not affect the performance of the electrical equipment. It can therefore be effectively applied to the electrical equipment in the process of actual operation to solve the problem of corrosion protection in the service process of electrical equipment.