Corrosion Behavior of 7050 High-strength Aluminum Alloy in Four Typical Atmospheric Environments in China
Received:May 04, 2015  Revised:August 15, 2015
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KeyWord:7050 high-strength aluminum alloy  four typical atmospheric environments  atmospheric corrosion
LUO Lai-zheng Southwest Research Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing , China
XIAO Yong Southwest Research Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing , China
SU Yan Southwest Research Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing , China
LI Xiao-feng Chongqing Qijiang Experimental High School, Chongqing , China
ZHONG Yong Southwest Research Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing , China
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      Objective To investigate the influence of four typical atmospheric environments including marine atmosphere, dry-heat desert, low temperature and low barometric pressure in high altitude on the corrosion behavior of 7050 high-strength aluminum alloy. Methods Atmospheric exposure test of 7050 high-strength aluminum alloy was carried out four typical environments in Wanning, Dunhuang, Mohe and Lhasa. The corrosion rule and behavior of 7050 high-strength aluminum alloy in four typical atmospheric environments in China were investigated by corrosion weight loss, mechanical property, corrosion morphology and metallurgical microscope. Results After 1-year Exposure, marine atmosphere had a significant effect on the corrosion weight loss, mechanical property, corrosion morphology and metallographic microstructure of 7050 high-strength aluminum alloy. Dry-heat desert environment had an effect on the corrosion morphology and metallographic microstructure of 7050 high-strength aluminum alloy. And 7050 high-strength aluminum alloy was not sensitive to the corrosion of atmospheric environments of low temperature and low barometric pressure in high altitude. Conclusion The result showed that the impact of the four typical environments on the corrosion of 7050 high-strength aluminum alloy was in the order of Wanning>Dunhuang>Mohe and Lhasa.