Development of Software System of Multiaxial Creep-Fatigue Life Prediction under Complex Loading at High Temperature
Received:March 09, 2015  Revised:August 15, 2015
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KeyWord:multiaxial fatigue  creep damage  complex loading  life prediction  software development
GUO Zhen-kun College of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Electronics Technology, Beijing University of Technology,Beijing , China
ZHANG Cheng-cheng AVIC Commercial Aircraft Engine CO., LTD, Shanghai , China
SHANG De-guang College of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Electronics Technology, Beijing University of Technology,Beijing , China
FANG Lei AVIC Commercial Aircraft Engine CO., LTD, Shanghai , China
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      Objective To develop a software system for multiaxial creep-fatigue life prediction. Methods This system used for high-temperature environment was developed using C++/CLI programing language based on Windows Form. The program modules mainly included the determination of the critical plane under three dimensional stress/strain states, the multiaxial cycle counting, the multiaxial fatigue damage, the multiaxial creep damage, and the creep-fatigue interaction. Results The operating environment for the developed special software of life prediction needed the Windows operating system with the support of. NET FrameWork4.0. The software used Microsoft Access 2010 to design the database and used ADO.NET as the method of database access. Conclusion The developed software system is suitable for the damage assessment and life prediction for mechanical components under random multiaxial loading at high temperature.