Alignment of Platform INS Based on Rotation of Azimuth Axis
Received:October 21, 2017  Revised:January 15, 2018
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DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2018.01.004
KeyWord:platform INS  continuous rotation  self-alignment  output sensitivity  pseudo platform frame
CAO Yuan Science and Technology on Complex Land Systems Simulation Laboratory, Beijing , China
TANG Xue-mei Science and Technology on Complex Land Systems Simulation Laboratory, Beijing , China
WANG Yue-ping Science and Technology on Complex Land Systems Simulation Laboratory, Beijing , China
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      Objective To solve issues that the accuracy of self-alignment of platform inertial navigation system (INS) on stationary base is affected by the platform rotation, locking and inertial sensor error. Methods A new self-alignment method was presented based on rotating the platform around its azimuth with time varying angular rate. According to the command of toque from azimuth gyro, platform was rotated and the information of gyro torque current from horizon gyros was used to estimate the platform misalignments. Through analyzing the system’s obsevability by the output sensitivity theory, accuracy of azimuth misalignment estimation was augmented by introducing the pseudo platform frame. Results Under gyro measurement noise of 0.01(°)/h (1σ), the estimation error of azimuth misalignment was within 1 second (arc), and the alignment could be accomplished within 10 minutes. Conclusion The scheme and algorithms improve alignment accuracy of the inertial navigation platform static base significantly.