Reliable Acceleration Test Method for Propulsion Motor of Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
Received:September 09, 2017  Revised:January 15, 2018
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DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2018.01.011
KeyWord:propulsion motor  accelerated factor  reliability accelerated testing
YUAN Li-wei Beijing Research Institute of Precise Mechatronics and Controls, Beijing , China
ZHAO Zeng-wu Beijing Research Institute of Precise Mechatronics and Controls, Beijing , China
TIAN Guan-zhi Beijing Research Institute of Precise Mechatronics and Controls, Beijing , China
SONG Xian-cheng Beijing Research Institute of Precise Mechatronics and Controls, Beijing , China
ZHENG Lin Beijing Research Institute of Precise Mechatronics and Controls, Beijing , China
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      Objective To shorten the development cycle, save the development costs and improve the test efficiency by replacing the conventional test method with the acceleration test method. Methods By analyzing the failure mode and effects of the propulsion motor, the motor winding and the power devices of the drive module were determined as the weakest parts. Considering the underwater application environment of the product, temperature stress acceleration was adopted. The acceleration factor was calculated by the mathematical models and experimental data on winding, power devices and temperature. Results The reliability acceleration test method was designed based on 173 hours of full power work to assess the MTBF 5000 hours of the propulsion motor. Conclusion The test method can provide a reference for the similar products’ reliability acceleration test to some extent.