Equivalent Relation between Accelerated Corrosion and Atmospheric Corrosion of Composite Material
Received:July 18, 2017  Revised:January 15, 2018
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DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2018.01.014
KeyWord:composite material  corrosion test  interlaminar shear strength  equivalent relation  equivalent coefficient
LIU Zhi-guo Qingdao Branch, Naval Aeronautical Engineering Academy, Qingdao , China
JIA Ming-ming Qingdao Branch, Naval Aeronautical Engineering Academy, Qingdao , China
WANG Xiao-gang Qingdao Branch, Naval Aeronautical Engineering Academy, Qingdao , China
LYU Hang Qingdao Branch, Naval Aeronautical Engineering Academy, Qingdao , China
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      Objective To carry out fatigue life research on composite material for a certain aircraft after pre-corrosion to obtain the equivalent relation between accelerated corrosion environment spectrum corrosion and atmospheric environment corrosion. Methods The accelerated corrosion test environment spectrum of airport environment was designed and simulated. Accelerated corrosion test and atmospheric corrosion test of carbon fiber composite material sample were carried out respectively to observe their corrosion morphology. Then the pre-corrosion interlaminar shear strength properties of specimen were tested under different types of corrosion environment. Based on the mechanical property test result and principle of equal damage implying equal life, the equivalent relation between the accelerated corrosion and atmospheric corrosion of the carbon fiber composite material was calculated. Results There was an equivalent relation between accelerated corrosion test and corrosion effect of atmospheric environment on such composite material. The equivalent coefficient between two kinds of test environment was 2.22. Conclusion The equivalent relation between accelerated corrosion test environment spectrum and atmospheric corrosion environment of composite material should be analyzed based on the request of research object, that is to say, different environment and different mechanical performance index means different equivalent relation or equivalent coefficient.