Experimental Research on Ground Vibration Test of Airborne Tactical Missile in Hanging Flight Environment
Received:July 15, 2017  Revised:January 15, 2018
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DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2018.01.015
KeyWord:airborne tactical missile  hanging flight  vibration test  environment adaptability.
WEI Ying-kui Beijing Institute of Structure and Environment Engineering, Beijing , China
ZHANG Xiao-ying Beijing Aerospace System Engineering Research Institute, Beijing , China
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      Origins of vibration driving for airborne tactical missile during its term of being used were summed up and influences of load response for missile lug through different driving methods were studied to confirm the program for its vibration test. Theoretical calculation and FEM were used to compare influences of load response for missile lug through different driving methods. Origins of vibration driving for air missile were summarized and ascertained. The load responses of missile lug under different excitation modes were calculated by theoretical calculation and finite element modeling and the driving method for vibration test was also confirmed in the end.